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By R. Pranck. William Paterson University.

The Electronic Patient Record term typically aims to describe the technology or software that stores the record of care or provides a degree of decision support order 5mg eldepryl free shipping. However eldepryl 10 mg fast delivery, the term “Health Knowledge Management System” aims to better capture or identify the overall system changes required to implement decision support systems, such as changes in underlying processes and the development of a culture that values, respects and protects the acquisition, distribution, production and utilisation of available knowledge in order to achieve better outcomes for patients (Standards Aus- tralia, 2001; Wyatt, 2001). A Health Knowledge Management System should facilitate closing the communication gaps on an ongoing basis, between all the key stakeholders involved in optimising care, GPs, Allied health services (including hospitals), and the often forgotten Patients and Table 1. General Practitioner (primary and community care) Allied Health Services (including secondary and tertiary care) Patients Supports F. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of Idea Group Inc. Privacy and Security Internationally there is a growing array of privacy and security codes, laws, and standards with many shared core themes (Office of the Privacy Commissioner, 2002; Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, 2001). However, creating a shared understanding of the essential nature of “Privacy” continues to afford particular challenges, as many of its associated elements are contextual, perceptual and personal. Clarke (2004) and Anderson (2004) provide comprehensive resources exploring the dimensions and complexities of privacy, security, and related concepts. There is the potential for conflict, as well as the need for balance between the hierarchy of needs (Maslow, 1943) or wants of an individual or a particular group, versus the needs, and wants and capabilities of the wider community or system. The original Latin origin of the word “Privacy” aims to convey a sense of something “set apart”, owned by oneself rather than the state or public (Online Etymology Dictionary, 2001). Therefore we could view private information as something we feel ownership of or particularly connected to, information that should be “set apart” and out of the public domain, or at least over which we should have particular control and an understanding of the competence and motiva- tion of those who may use it. However with regard to our health (and accordingly our health information) we are rarely truly “set apart” from the public or our communities. Our health, our health management, and our behaviour are continually impacted on by the complex biopsychosocial (Engel, 1977) system in which we live.

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Hand and foot x rays can be taken Resources to confirm finger or toe abnormalities safe eldepryl 5 mg, and will determine PERIODICALS the extent of fusion 5 mg eldepryl, webbing, or duplication of the digits Bonatz, E. However, prenatal ultrasound Partial Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum: An Example of can detect duplication of the digits (polydactyly) and the Variable Clinical Spectrum of the Acrocallosal cerebral malformations. Surgery to separate or remove affected toes may assist in walking and the comfort of footwear. ORGANIZATIONS Anti-epileptic therapy should be considered if a seizure Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum (ACC) Network. Special education may be required, Hall, University of Maine, Room 18, 5749, Orono, ME depending on the level of mental impairment. Cushing believed acromegaly was due to the FACES: The National Craniofacial Association. Cushing also put forth the idea that the over-activity of the pituitary gland was caused by a Acrocephalopolysyndactyly type II see tumor in the gland, an idea that was proven by autopsies Carpenter syndrome done on patients with acromegaly. At the time, however, it still was not clear how a tumor in the pituitary gland could Acrocephalosyndactyly type I see Apert cause such changes in people afflicted with the tumor. Acrocephalosyndactyly type III see Saethre- Herbert Evans at the University of California at Berkley Chotzen syndrome was the first to isolate many secretions, also known as hormones, which were found to be made in and secreted Acromatopsia see Color blindness from the pituitary gland. It was also discovered that certain tumors can form in the pituitary gland and secrete high levels of HGH, resulting in abnor- mal growth and, as time progresses, acromegaly. IAcromegaly Acromegaly is a rare condition, with only about 1,000 cases per year in the United States among a total Definition population of 250 million. Its striking consequence of Acromegaly is a rare condition caused by abnor- excessive height has caused it to remain a fascinating dis- mally high amounts of human growth hormone (HGH). An organ in the brain known as the pituitary gland, nor- Besides causing great height and unusual facial features, mally secretes this growth hormone. Normal amounts of it is now known that acromegaly also causes serious con- HGH are needed for normal growth and physical matu- ditions that can be life threatening, such as heart disease, rity in children. However, in acromegaly, there is an respiratory disease, arthritis, neuromuscular problems, increased amount of HGH released, generally by a tumor and diabetes. Untreated, acromegaly can sequences of acromegaly can be minimized and patients lead to numerous disabling conditions, as well as a sig- afflicted with the condition can lead mainly healthy, pro- nificantly decreased life span.

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William Paterson University.