
Tez · @poptrashmoviee

29th May 2013 from TwitLonger

Take a moment to ponder this musing of mine. How many pictures of Robert and Kristen out together walking the dogs,going on errands,or just hanging out with friends these past two weeks is Blanco or other paparazzo tailing them sitting on? IMO,I bet there's quite a few. When pics of these times are posted by say,Popsugar for example,the fandom,like the starving who haven't eaten for a while,devour every single crumb,and an atmosphere of calm and good will abound throughout the fandom,which is always a great thing. Positivity engenders positive energy,no matter what form it comes in. However,on the other side of the spectrum, this sort of energy,while great in our fandom,does not even cause a ripple in the radar of the general public,a very gossip hungry general public. Scandal and upset sell a lot more publications than a few sappy and positive pictures of a normal couple doing boring,everyday things. Social media is a powerful marketing tool that tailors its parameters to the likes and needs of those who are on the many platforms available now,whether it be twitter,facebook,tumblr,or instagram. Tabloid media also use these platforms as a mining ground for content they oftentimes use to create a "story". This fandom,with its many factions is prime mining ground for this,which returns me to the topic of how scandal and upset sell and draw attention to the multitude of tabloid/entertainment publications. On Monday,May 13th, the tabloid outlet x17 posted a narrative containing pictures of Kristen Stewart in the passenger seat of a friend's car,sending a text message,and making a brief stopover. In normal,everyday life,this is a normal and very mundane thing,but what turned this very normal and mundane thing into the Frankenstein's monster it has most horribly become,is the date this narrative was posted.The date of her other half Robert Pattinson's birthday. With no knowledge whatsoever of why Kristen was in the passenger seat of her friend's car,sending a text message,and in the course of the journey,making a brief stopover,this opinion and assumption filled narrative was born.The pictures paparazzo Rolando Blanco,who has been for the past three months stalking and following Robert Pattinson and his other half Kristen Stewart relentlessly,took (which are date unspecific)and the writers of the narrative used to build this Frankensteinian narrative that has caused such upset and such upheaval in this very large,and very vocal fandom. A fandom that is global and far reaching,with members of both sexes,young and old,in varying professions;some being doctors,lawyers,analysts,teachers,professors,etc. When this narrative was posted,every other media outlet,whether it be print,televised,or online did what the fandom would do when normal,everyday pictures of Rob and Kristen were taken of them doing normal,mundane things; they went on a feeding frenzy,and posted,printed,or aired the content.The gossip hungry general public outside of the fandom now had fodder to talk about at work,at bars,on social media platforms,and the good old water cooler at work. This feeding frenzy generated interest and attention for tabloids like the once reputable People Magazine,all the way down to the local newspaper entertainment section.Objective achieved. The fandom got more vocal,and sadly also divisive,the seeds of doubt planted by a narrative created on nothing but assumption and opinion,which is IMO a dirty,dirty trick that x17 and Rolando Blanco are clearly to blame for,and very much responsible for creating. What the tabloids did not take into account however,was the strength of this fandom,a fandom that is united by a common thread,the respect and admiration of Robert Pattinson and his other half Kristen Stewart,a normal,everyday couple whose wish it is to live their life together unbothered so that they can continue to do their normal,mundane,everyday things,the focus instead to be on their work. This united front that this fandom has is unmatched by any other fandom in existence,and by this demonstration of strength,will endure always. Mr.Blanco,Mr.Cosman,and any other phototabloid media representatives, you can now start going through your recently,and by recently,I mean these past two weeks, collected arsenal of pictures of Robert Pattinson and his other half Kristen Stewart walking their dogs together,going grocery shopping,or hanging out with their friends together,with actual exif data in place,unaltered,and hand them over to Popsugar,or whatever outlet you choose. You know you have them,so now you can post them.

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