
David Wenham

RingCon 2013

David Wenham was really cool, open and relaxed. He had never been to a convention before, so RingCon was his first ever convention, and I think he liked it :-) At the Closing he said, that he could now finally understand why we came back to conventions year after year and why we put so much energy in it. He even hinted at coming back in the near future!

It also was very interesting when he talked about the differences between Faramir in the book and in the movie. He said that he liked the fact that Movie/Faramir was tempted by the Ring. Otherwise, it would have seemed odd that Faramir of all people wouldn’t be tempted by this powerful item, and it would have put him too much above the other people.

However, David didn’t like how Faramir treated Gollum, and he also told Peter Jackson about this, but Peter loved this idea too much to get rid of it.

David also talked about how he thought the costume apartment had washed his costume too hot, while shhoting LotR. It kept getting smaller and smaller. By now, he knows that he had just been eating too much and moving to little. (He said, he was practically hibernating in his trailer when he wasn’t shooting, also watching a lot of Oprah Winfrey.)