Joe Manganiello has said that he hopes that Alcide and Sookie begin a relationship on True Blood.

Manganiello, who plays the werewolf Alcide on the HBO series, confessed that he considers his character to be the perfect match for Sookie (Anna Paquin).

"Yeah, I think Sookie's situation is very difficult," Manganiello told The Hollywood Reporter. "Obviously her heart belonged to Bill and got broken, and then there's Eric, someone she would have never given a chance to be with her because of his duplicitous nature. But, obviously, this season you can see that Eric has softened quite a bit and is a different person."

He continued: "I think you get a character like Alcide, who has great morals, great values, and also can take her out during the daytime and I think that's interesting - somebody that can take her to brunch."

The actor went on say that Charlaine Harris, the author of the Sookie Stackhouse novels on which True Blood is based, agrees with him.

"Well, you know it's interesting that Charlaine Harris said in an interview, supernatural creatures included, who would she rather marry [Sookie] out of all the creatures or even humans, and she actually said a werewolf," Manganiello said. "I thought that was funny."

Manganiello recently revealed that he loves the experience of playing a werewolf on True Blood, saying that he loves the times that his character gets to partake in "werewolf moments".

In June, the 34-year-old said that his character will have a bigger role this season, confirming that more of Alcide's backstory will be explored on the supernatural series.

True Blood continues Sundays at 9pm on HBO.