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    Главная » 2013 » Март » 7 » MacPilot 5.0.5
    MacPilot 5.0.5

    MacPilot 5.0.5

    Год выпуска: 2013
    Версия: 5.0.5
    Платформа: Mac OS
    Язык интерфейса: Английский
    Лекарство: Присутствует


    Mac Pilot позволяет управлять более чем 1200! скрытыми функциями Mac OS X, обычно доступными только через терминальные команды. Возможности этой программы будут полезны как средним пользователям, так и IT-специалистам: при помощи нее можно менять скрытые настройки Finder, Dock, Safari, установки сети, шрифтов и т.д. Еще больше опций, еще больше возможностей!


    Scared of the terminal or can't be bothered to remember those commands to customize your system the way you want? MacPilot is your digital savior. Easily enable and disable hidden features in Mac OS X, optimize and repair your system, and perform numerous routine maintenance operations with the click of a button!


    Increase performance and perform maintenance

    Pro user or not, you can now increase computer performance with only a few clicks of the mouse. Optimize your network for broadband connectivity, completely customize Apple File Sharing, perform essential maintenance without having to remember mind boggling acronyms, and much more. However, those are just a few of the many reasons why MacPilot is your choice over Cocktail, TinkerTool and Onyx!


    Unlock hidden features in Mac OS X

    Disable the translucent menubar in Leopard, disable menu items for security, disable icon caches, set history limits, erase recently used files, prevent your dock from being modified, turn off all system animations, increase the speed at which windows resize, change which format screenshots are taken in, set a default name and location for screenshots, disable a secondary processor, disable the startup chime, and even change the login window picture!


    We welcome you to put MacPilot to the test against our competitors. Features, stability and interface say it all - but why don't you be the judge? Download your free fifteen day limitless evaluation now.


    Скачать Файл MacPilot 5.0.5.rar 13057,522 Кб Скачать программу

    MacPilot 5.0.5.rar Скачать
    MacPilot 5.0.5.rar Скачать Зеркало

    Просмотров: 1157 | Добавил: karla29 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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