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Interesting finds in PS2 GTA3

Ghost Bear

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Ever wonder who the hell is busker1, busker2, busker3, busker4 mentioned in GTA 3 default.ide ?


They are beta street musicians! I found both textures and models for them. They are exist only in PS2 version of GTA 3. Unfortunately PS2 txd viewer i use converts some of textures incorrectly so i can't show you how they look with textures.


Anyway here they are:

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I've tried to repair textures myself

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But there is still mess with palette

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There is some guy named "Butler" He have weird texture

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but fits him perfectly.

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Also, wtf! He have more polygons than Claude!


What this pickup for?

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Strange cop. He have different face and more detailed model than usual one.

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Suitcases from unfinished airport. They even have no textures, just a meshes.

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Mines in GTA 3?

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Edited by Ghost Bear
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Yes.... I've seen them too.

Some guy made topic, called beta GTA3 or something and someone discovered them! wow.gif

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Amazing, ive had this game for about 6 years and im still learning new things wow.gif


Plus that butler looks a hell of a lot more detailed than all the other models mercie_blink.gif

Also why does his texture have part of Joeys texture on it? (Im guessing it is Joeys, not 100% sure)

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isn't that buttler visible in one of the cutscenes from salvatores house? i'm not sure but i'm sure i saw him in the game before

never saw this band though, interesting

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That last building is right next to donald loves building.


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Theres a ped i've only seen once, hes similar to another ped in a brown coat and hat and a few on him spawn in a Portland Telephone mission.

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Cool staff Ghost Bear!


I also found strange model. It's in ps2 and pc versions

I think it was used in the airport monocle.gif

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I think the butler was taken out because of that polycount. It was far too high. They could have lowered it though... No one will ever know. Any chance anyone can convert these models to the PC version? The band looks very interesting too. Especially the sitting bandmember. I don't recall anyone sitting in GTA III. Perhaps it was a mission were you'd have to kill the band or it was a random spawn around liberty? *sigh* brings up so many never to be answered questions up.

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Maybe that special cop texture is used for McAffrey in "Silence the sneak" (just writing an idea, I don't know it).

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Hmmm nice bike

Yep, I've seen a full model of the butler, as well as the "Busker guys" (e.g. the guy sitting down smoking weed is missing his bongos, the full models can be seen in the link below). For the butler, maybe he was only to be used in cutscenes (the reason he's so detailed). Here's a theory: in some of Salvatore's missions, we can hear a piano playing, but either nobody is at the piano, or it's off screen. Maybe he was the piano player. If he wasn't just used for cutscenes, then maybe they originally planned to have the game's charecters and peds more detailed, but it probably took up alot of space on the disk, or something, and they only got around to modeling the butler and the cop.


As for the "movie camera" icon/pickup, all I could think of is either it would be outside our safehouses and allow us to watch cutscenes, or it would record gameplay


Also, here is the original "beta stuff" topic (including images of the full models of the busker guys and the butler, as well as some other stuff).

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Beta columbians. They was dropped from final release (maybe because of extremely terrorist look), but model and textures are remain in gta3.img


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Hm, i think i already saw one of them. Oh, yeah! GTA 3 commercial!

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And for compare in-game screenshot.

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As you can see they was replaced by usual columbian. Also the intro cut-scene columbian have usual model too. I think what guy with Uzi was in intro cut-scene and the other two were used in Exchange cut-scene.

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Also as you can see in commercial and on model that guy with cigar holds a M16. I wonder how Claude escaped if at least two columbians had M16's.

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Who the hell is this? Mafia goon? I can't remember him in game.

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Also yet another proof what city Liberty is based on.

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Hmmm nice bike


Also as you can see in commercial and on model that guy with cigar holds a M16. I wonder how Claude escaped if at least two columbians had M16's.

Probably the reason why they replaced them with pistols. Claude would get torn up from the start, making the mission pretty much impossible to complete.


At first, I thought the "mafia goon" guy was just Mickey Hamfists, but it's not. I don't remember him either (probably a beta street goon).


Also, nice find on the New York license plate, that was probably another one of the other last minute removals after 9/11 (not wanting to make any connection to New York City, or state).

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Yep, I've seen a full model of the butler, as well as the "Busker guys" (e.g. the guy sitting down smoking weed is missing his bongos, the full models can be seen in the link below). For the butler, maybe he was only to be used in cutscenes (the reason he's so detailed). Here's a theory: in some of Salvatore's missions, we can hear a piano playing, but either nobody is at the piano, or it's off screen. Maybe he was the piano player. If he wasn't just used for cutscenes, then maybe they originally planned to have the game's charecters and peds more detailed, but it probably took up alot of space on the disk, or something, and they only got around to modeling the butler and the cop.

You know, in one of Salvatore's missions (I can't remember which one), Salvatore says something like "Leave us alone", although there's nobody there. Perhaps there was a butler there in the beta and they forgot to change the talk?

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those dark clothed columbians are used in the intro where they bust OOG from the enforcer, no?

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those dark clothed columbians are used in the intro where they bust OOG from the enforcer, no?

Yeah! You right:

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But they both using body of second columbian. And one(left on picture) of them using external head col1h for talking animations. This means what only first and third models are unused.



Theres a ped i've only seen once, hes similar to another ped in a brown coat and hat and a few on him spawn in a Portland Telephone mission.

No, it's not Marty. Marty's with sunglasses.



I also found strange model. It's in ps2 and pc versions

I think it was used in the airport

That's interesting. Which name this model has?



The band looks very interesting too. Especially the sitting bandmember. I don't recall anyone sitting in GTA III. Perhaps it was a mission were you'd have to kill the band or it was a random spawn around liberty? *sigh* brings up so many never to be answered questions up.

Their names are mentioned in peds list. That may mean they randomly appear around city.


Also, i'm thinking maybe we should try export them to PC version and spawn using scm? Maybe code which controlling them still present in game?



Maybe that special cop texture is used for McAffrey in "Silence the sneak" (just writing an idea, I don't know it).

No, McAffey have model of common ped (li_man2) and two cops defending him are just common ones.



Also, here is the original "beta stuff" topic (including images of the full models of the busker guys and the butler, as well as some other stuff).

Somehow i missed page where OnePiece posted screenshots. Also the Tommy-looking head is head of Shopkeeper from Kenji mission.



At first, I thought the "mafia goon" guy was just Mickey Hamfists, but it's not. I don't remember him either (probably a beta street goon).

Or he was beta Mickey before they decided to give him personality.

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are you sure you dont mean marty himself? he looks simlar

Yeh, could have been his model, but it wasn't his mission.

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The Horror Is Alive

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It's probably a pickup for a removed video editor function, or a beta PS2 replay function? I dunno, it's strange alright...

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It's probably a pickup for a removed video editor function, or a beta PS2 replay function? I dunno, it's strange alright...

Or it was for cutscene demonstrations like we see after first time being wasted and busted.

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So far, this thread has been about unused 3D models. Is it worth mentioning other obvious differences, like the different IPLs? For instance, the alleyway in Chinatown (with the bribe) doesn't have boxes in it on the PS2, and at the junk yard there are no tyres or traffic cones (witches' hats) near the crusher and less derelict cars, and no solid fence around the back of the fire station either. Haven't found anything else unusual outside Portland though.


I'm pretty sure the NY-R29 license plate is in the PC version too. On a similar note, the PS2 version of Vice City still has some LC plates on a few cars (including the Landstalker).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Great news! I finnaly managed to repair busker textures!


Here they are!



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Edited by Ghost Bear
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Great news! I finnaly managed to repair busker textures!


Here they are!



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Actually you can play as these characters on the ps3 if you have a gameshark/codebreaker/action replay, etc.






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Great news! I finnaly managed to repair busker textures!


Here they are!

Now that looks awesome! Why do they all miss parts of their body? And did you found any animations of them too? I hope someone can convert them, would be very nice.

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Damn, these are cool finds! Butler is in the PC version too and it is full (with two legs there). About the pickup - it is very interesting. The models of the Catalina's people can be find in the PC version too (with full models). Can you find the beta BF Injection in the PS2 gta3.img?

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Perhaps it was for unique stunt jumps? You had to drive into it to trigger the cinematic camera?

I don't know if the gta3.img is the only possible place to have hidden things but if the main.scm can somehow be writen in a way these things to not be used may be the answers are hidden in it(the main.scm).in other words if in the main.scm are writen the locations of these pick-ups may be that way we can find if they are for the cinematic camera or for whatever they are

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Isn't that the camera icon?

The butler looks very amazing wow.gif

The buskers are well done, you should release them in the Mod Showroom icon14.gif

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t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m

Hmm, looks like GTA 3 had it's own peruvian flute band. Those are all great finds. cookie.gif If I'm correct, there is a beta Claude texture in the files, though I am too lazy to look for it. There aren't many differences though. More puckered up lips and and a slightly changed facial expression.

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