A number of Take That fans were sent to Manchester Royal Infirmary following the group's recent record-breaking concerts in the city.

Over the eight dates last week - part of the 'Love Love' group's 'Progress' jaunt - approximately 160 fans were treated in the hospital, averaging at 27 per day.

Stewards working at the City of Manchester Stadium had to ask 65 women to leave the venue, believing they had drunk too much, while 35 men were also ushered off the premises, reports The Daily Telegraph.

The majority of patients who suffered alcohol-related injuries were women aged in their 30s and 40s. The most common cases of injury were sprained ankles, but more serious instances included broken wrists and alcohol poisoning.

"We saw an increase from people who'd been at the Take That concerts," explained Dr Steve Jones, the MRI's clinical director of emergency services.

A steward at the stadium added: "I have worked at lots of concerts and some of the drunkenness was unbelievable. Some women were slumped in their seats barely able to walk. It was way worse than a football match."

Aside from the medical emergencies, local police authorities also reported a rise in crime, with most cases involving public disorder and assault.

One instance included a report of sexual assault by a female member of security staff who was groped by a concertgoer, while another was of an assault on a woman who got beaten around the head by a male after queue-jumping the men's toilets.

"A small minority of fans were able to drink to excess to the extent that they spoiled the evening for other fans attending the concert," Inspector Mike Coombes stated.

"I would expect a small minority to behave poorly and to have to deal with that. But I would say that overall the number of incidents and arrests are what we would have anticipated for a pop concert of this size."

Take That's £1.5 million stage robot also broke down halfway through their set during one of the shows.

Watch a preview of the Take That 'Progress' tour below:

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Watch the music video for Take That's new single 'Love Love' below: