Giving My Readers What They Want

I noticed the other day in the little widget over to the right that displays my most popular posts that the “Fountainhead Caddis Series Tenkara Rod Review” has recently skyrocketed to the top.  Checking into the fancypants Google Analytics stats, this was confirmed.  In the last 3 months or so, web searches for things like “caddis tenkara rod” & “tenkara rod review” have sent people here in droves.

With that news I was a little saddened because this event knocked the infamous “Beyonce in a Bikini” post (the former #1 post for quite some time) down another rung on the ladder.  Yes, the “Orvis Android App” post had surpassed it too, but that post was more product plug than anything, and got a ton of traffic the first day because Orvis mentioned it on their Facebook page.

So it got me to thinking.  The corner of the internet that visits this blog seems to like tenkara…plus they seem to like Beyonce in a bikini (like who doesn’t?)…what can I possibly do to continue to satisfy their needs?

Oh, I got it…

BAM!  Beyonce + Bikini + Tenkara Rod + Bad Photoshop = Traffic out the butt

But that’s not all.  To make everyone happy I’ve also invited some of her friends.  Like…

Megan Fox, who evidently likes ice cubes with her tenkara
I think her tattoo is some sort of “one fly” mumbo jumbo reference
Brooklyn Decker Bikini Tenkara Trout Fishing
Brooklyn Decker is fond of tenkara too,
but not as fond as those hands behind her, either targeting her rod or her a**
Snooki Bikini Tenkara Trout Fishing
DUDE!  Who let HER in here?
We clearly need better bouncers at the door…sorry about that…
Kim Kardashian Bikini Tenkara Trout Fishing
That’s better.  Thank you Kim Kardashian
I think she’s dumping the basketball player and moving to tenkarists
Olivia Munn Bikini Tenkara Trout Fishing
Olivia Munn.  What?  No tenkara rod?
Somehow I don’t seem to care…

Remember, the best cutting edge scantily-clad celebrity tenkara sightings can only be found here FIRST.
We put the T! in TMZ.

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