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Last Updated: Monday, 6 June, 2005, 21:33 GMT 22:33 UK
Pele's son arrested in drugs raid
Edinho at court during his 1999 trial
Edinho used to be a reserve goalkeeper for Santos
The son of Brazilian football legend Pele has been arrested in an anti-drugs operation in the port city of Santos.

Edson Cholbi Nascimento, known as Edinho, 35, was one of at least 17 people held during an operation to smash a cocaine trafficking gang.

He has not been charged, but police said he was being questioned on suspicion of trafficking.

In 1999 he was jailed for six years for his part in a street car race in which a motorcyclist was killed.

Edinho never enjoyed his father's success on the field, playing as a reserve goalkeeper for Santos.

Kidnap link?

Police seized weapons and vehicles during a series of raids in Santos, about 210 miles (340km) from Rio de Janeiro.

Edinho was expected to be questioned by anti-drugs police involved in the operation, believed to have been planned for eight months, reports said.

Authorities are also investigating reports that the gang was connected to the kidnap last year of the mother of current Brazilian star Robinho, the AFP news agency said.

Marina Souza was freed in late December after a $200,000 (£110,000) dollar ransom was paid.

Edinho retired from football in 1999, the same year as his murder conviction.

He was sentenced to six years in prison on a work release scheme.

His father, Pele, widely regarded as the greatest footballer of all time, won the World Cup three times with Brazil and later became a government minister.

Pele's son convicted of murder
22 Oct 99 |  Americas
Pele's son on trial for murder
06 Oct 99 |  Americas


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