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In women the premenstrual syn- drome (irritability effective accutane 40 mg, depression and anxiety) is thought to be associated in some way with progesterone since not only does its concentration rise then fall during that time but in post-menopausal women the use of sequential oestrogen and progestogen hormone replacement therapy (HRT) shows that similar mood changes accompany only the addition of progestogen discount accutane 30mg with amex. More specifically, in women with epilepsy while the incidence of seizures decreases when plasma progesterone is high, it increases during the immediate premenstrual period as progesterone levels fall, rather as with withdrawing 274 NEUROTRANSMITTERS, DRUGS AND BRAIN FUNCTION Figure 13. Pregnenolone (PREG) (1) is synthesised from cholesterol and is then either metabolised, reduced to 20a dihydropregnenolone (7) or sulphated (6), or converted by 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase to progesterone (PROG) (2) or to dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) (3). The former (PROG) can then be reduced to allopregnanolone (3a5aThPROG) (4) and DHEA sulphated to dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (5). The structures of alphaxalone, a steroid anaesthetic and tetrahydrodeoxy- corticosterone, which is formed in the brain from deoxycorticosterone of peripheral origin, are also shown OTHER TRANSMITTERS AND MEDIATORS 275 an antiepileptic drug. Of course, it cannot be assumed that plasma levels are reflected in the brain but in rats stressed by insertion in the Morris water maze, so that they have to swim to a safe platform (see Chapter 18), there is still some increase in the concen- tration of brain PROG and in particular its reduced metabolic (ThPROG), even after adrenalectomy (Purdy et al. The aggressiveness of castrated male mice exposed to lactating females in a cage can also be reduced by DHEA administration. These observations, while implicating steroids in brain function and behaviour, cannot be taken as a reliable indicator of their actual effect on neuronal function. Nevertheless, some neurosteroids produce CNS depression with a rapid inhibition of neuronal excitability and one progesterone derivative, alphaxalone (3a-hydroxy- 5a pregnane-11, 20 dione, see Fig. Intracellular steroid receptors, which alter gene expression, exist for corticosteroids, oestrogens and progesterone in the brain, as in the periphery but they cannot account for the relatively rapid depression of CNS function induced by some steroids. This was explained when Harrison and Simmonds (1984) discovered that alphaxalone (the steroid anaesthetic) potentiated the duration of GABA-induced currents at the GABAA receptor in slices of rat cuneate nucleus just like the barbiturates (Fig. Depolarisations recorded extracellularly from dorsal funiculus fibres and terminals in the rat cuneate brain slice after superfusion for 2 min with muscimol 2. In the presence of alphaxalone (1 mM), responses to GABA and the GABAA agonist muscimol, but not those to glycine, were substantially enhanced. The effect was reversible with responses slowly returning to normal after 3 h.