US middle school to ban Ugg boots

Pottstown Middle School, a school in Pennsylvania, is banning the wearing of fuzzy open-top boots, including Uggs, because students have been stashing mobile phones in the footwear.

Ugg boots
Students have been hiding mobile phones in their boots

Starting on Monday, the Philadelphia suburban district is implementing the ban to the middle school classes, according to district director of community relations John Armato.

"Cell phones are a problem for obvious reasons," Armato said.

Superintendent Reed Lindley said the school head asked for the boot ban "because of the classroom disruptions that are resulting from ringing cell phones."

Students at the school can avoid going toe-to-toe with school officials by wearing boots that lace up and usually have a snugger fit.

First time offenders will get detention, and subsequent violations include two detentions, followed by confiscation of the phone, Mr Armato said.

Middle school parent Adrienne Beyer said she thinks the ban is extreme.

"I understand there may be a handful of kids that shove cell phones down their boots, but why does the handful have to ruin it for the other 600 students? But, I said to my daughter, 'It's a rule and we're going to follow it,'" Beyer said.

Ugg sheepskin boots originated in Australia and New Zealand and have become popular with preteens and teenagers in recent years.

Source: Reuters