What If The USSR Existed In 2061?

These science-fiction pictures are the works sent to the “USSR-2061” contest which gave the possibility to dream of the Soviet Union in 50 years. If it existed, of course.

First child born on Mars.

Martian alliance.

Now everything is going to by in a new way.


Station 6.

Astronautics museum, 2061.


Martian everyday life.

Martian everyday life – 2.


Transport line.

One day to Mars.


Transport from the Earth.

Future gardens.

The red one – here it is.

Apple trees will grow on Mars.

From the childhood.

In the Mars exploration museum.

Homecoming of the “Martians”

Sergey, ionizator is out of order again.

Family photos.


First steps on Mars.


Anniversary stamp. “USSR mail – 2061 – In honor of 50 year anniversary of Mars exploration”

Red planet rising.

Planet where our ancestors lived.

Last bomber.

via ru_2061

20 thoughts on “What If The USSR Existed In 2061?”

  1. They’re neat. But I can’t understand how average Soviets could go to Mars and live, when they couldn’t go to England or the States to visit.

    Oh wait, Red Planet! 🙂

    • Well, by then communism was supposed to have taken hold in the rest of the world and the soviets would have their world domination.

      Instead, everybody has run from communism back to a more capitalist society, except the USA, communism just needs a little bit more time to take a firm hold.

  2. “Apple trees will grow on Mars” is, very probably, a theme stolen from Ray Bradbury´s Martian Chronicles. In one of the stories, there is a man similar to Johnny Appleseed who plants the tree seeds on Mars.

  3. The “Red Star,” by the great Marxist Alexander Bogdanov was a novel written about a Marxist utopia on Mars (the “Red Star”); written in 1908. Bogdanov and V. Lenin were once allies but by 1908 they disagreed about Bolshevik philosophy. His 1913 novel “Engineer Menni” was a prequel to “Red Star” giving the story of how Mars was colonized and the development of the utopia.
    Bogdanov was a brilliant polymath.

  4. I don’t understand the human obsession about the red planet.. it’s a sterile, cold, waterless, airless rock, like our Moon.. just as Sahara desert, minus the oxygen and heat.. you wouldn’t do nothing there, except living under domes or underground bases.. a waste of time, money and resources!

  5. If they play their cards right it will be Russia not Soviet union and together with China be the worlds leaders, No US after 2020 it will be back in the dark ages again like the fall of the Roman Empire possibly under President TRUMP.


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