Ron Volstad Art

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Ron Volstad Art


Post by AlifRafikKhan » 17 Aug 2008, 23:07

If you have Ron Volstad paintings and drawings, feel free to post it on this forum. This is the right place to discuss about this great painter from Canada!
16th Luftwaffe Field Division (Normandy 1944)
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Re: Ron Volstad Art


Post by AlifRafikKhan » 17 Aug 2008, 23:12

Another Ron Volstad art :
Afrika Korps infantry
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Re: Ron Volstad Art


Post by AlifRafikKhan » 17 Aug 2008, 23:18

Is there someone who know about Ron Volstad biography?

Another one of his masterpiece painting :
Ambush at Poteau (Ardennes 1944)
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Re: Ron Volstad Art


Post by BAZ » 22 Aug 2008, 13:53

Volstad is a genius, and an inspiration for me!
Can't believe there's not a book of his art, or even a website
dedicated to him!!
Or is there and I'm unaware?

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Re: Ron Volstad Art


Post by AlifRafikKhan » 24 Aug 2008, 20:59

BAZ wrote:Volstad is a genius, and an inspiration for me!
Can't believe there's not a book of his art, or even a website
dedicated to him!!
Or is there and I'm unaware?
I hope Ron himself read this. I tried to search his bio on Google, but the result was nothing! Is there anyone who can help me on this?

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Re: Ron Volstad Art


Post by AlifRafikKhan » 24 Aug 2008, 21:17

Another pictures from Ron Volstad :
Armored Reconnaisance, Wiking Division (Hungary 1945)
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Re: Ron Volstad Art


Post by AlifRafikKhan » 24 Aug 2008, 21:39

Cross of Iron (Eastern Front 1944)
Cross of Iron (Eastern Front 1944)
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Re: Ron Volstad Art


Post by AlifRafikKhan » 24 Aug 2008, 22:09

Fallen comrade (Aachen 1944)
Fallen comrade (Aachen 1944)
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Re: Ron Volstad Art


Post by Franzl Rider » 25 Aug 2008, 12:51

I agree totally with the statement that Ron V is a great military artist (one of the very best). I have most of his work for Osprey and Dragon (yes, all modellingboxes and catalogues!). In an old British Military Modelling magazine there is an interview with him and some pictures of him working at some drawings in his studio. If some one is interested I will scan it and place it on this thread.

Franzl 8-)

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Re: Ron Volstad Art


Post by AlifRafikKhan » 26 Aug 2008, 01:12

Franzl Rider wrote:I agree totally with the statement that Ron V is a great military artist (one of the very best). I have most of his work for Osprey and Dragon (yes, all modellingboxes and catalogues!). In an old British Military Modelling magazine there is an interview with him and some pictures of him working at some drawings in his studio. If some one is interested I will scan it and place it on this thread.

Franzl 8-)
Yes Franz, can you please do that for us? :D
Do you also have his address or e-mail?

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Re: Ron Volstad Art


Post by AlifRafikKhan » 26 Aug 2008, 01:17

Another of Ron's masterpiece. Just love the details on all of his work!

Frozen Battleground (Moscow 1941)
Frozen Battleground (Moscow 1941)
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Re: Ron Volstad Art


Post by AlifRafikKhan » 26 Aug 2008, 01:20

German 6th Army (Stalingrad 1942-1943)
German 6th Army (Stalingrad 1942-1943)
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Re: Ron Volstad Art


Post by AlifRafikKhan » 26 Aug 2008, 01:25

German 12cm Granatwerfer 42 mortar with Crews
German 12cm Granatwerfer 42 mortar with Crews
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Re: Ron Volstad Art


Post by AlifRafikKhan » 26 Aug 2008, 01:29

I'm also an amateur drawing sketcher, if you want to see my mediocre drawings, please see at this address : ... 7#p1241197

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Re: Ron Volstad Art


Post by Franzl Rider » 11 Sep 2008, 19:45

As promised, the interview with Ron Volstad. I do it in parts as It's a bit of work. Here part one

Military Modelling Autumn Special 1996

Tom Wictor interviewed Ron Volstad the military illustrator at his home in Canada

Anyone interested in military modelling knows the name of Ron Volstad, the Canadian illustrator whose work graces the pages of 33 volumes of Osprey reference books and who has more recently provided box-top, artwork for the many Dragon figure kits.
His precision and attention to detail make him one of the best in his field, simply because his illustrations are clearly defined and never leave any question about the subject depicted.
Most of us probably don't realise just how much effort is involved in achieving this result thinking, as this writer did, that it's simply a matter of sitting down at an easel and sketching away for a few minutes until something emerges. This embarrassingly naive assumption was thoroughly exploded during the methodical, two-hour interview Volstad gave at his home in Edmonton, Alberta, a beautiful, but often snow-bound city ideally suited for indoor livelihoods.

The Early Days
Born and raised in Alberta, Ron is a selftaught artist who gays he always knew he would make a living drawing soldiers. "I started at about four when I saw my uncle's war souvenirs and photographs - he served with the Calgary Highlanders -and from that point on I was inspired. I knew that was what I was supposed to do."
During his senior year at Edson High School In 1967, the year of Canada's Centennial Celebration, he completed a mural depicting the history of Canada, a painting which still hangs in the building. The resultant media attention eamed him a scholarship to Alberta College of Art, as well as an offer of employment in the art department of a local television station. Unable to attend the college because of commitments to his ailing father, and disillusioned by the world of commercial art, Volstad eventually
returned to Edmonton and got a job in oil field construction. He remained in this line of work for the next 12 years. "I did everything from digging with shovels to driving heavy trucks and bulldozers. I enjoyed it very much. I learned a lot about trenches, the smell of dirt, working in mud up to your waist. I learned what it's like to use a jackhammer in weather so cold that you can't open your hands and have to push them off the ends of the handles. I have a good understanding of conditions on the Eastern Front,
I think."
Throughout this period he continued drawing in his spare time. In 1970, he was published in a Canadian automotive weekly and an American modelling magazine, but was offered no additional work.
In 1972, at the age of 22, Volstad actively Pursued commissions for the first and only time of his career, sending out samples of his work to military history publications. Squadron/Signal responded positively and he flew to Vancouver to meet with publisher Uwe Feist.
"We had a chat and I produced Fallschirmjäger in Action trom a total of three references, mostly books of black and white photos. The drawings were just sort of coded together. There was no model, no specific photo I was copying. I just put it all together looking at myself in the mirror to get the arms in the right places." He continued to provide illustrations for Squadron until about 1980, subsequent titles including German Infantry in Action and Waffen SS In Action.

Enter Osprey
In 1973 Ron received a letter from Martin Windrow then with Osprey Publishing, asking for a sample of his work and whether he would be Interested In doing same illustrations.
"Well, I jumped at the chance, and Flak Jackets was the first commission. That was when I turned the corner. To meet the deadline I had to take all my vacation time and all possible days off. I worked every night, every weekend. Even then I was a bit late in delivering. A lot of people don't understand how much work goes into these things, and I had to make a career choice. My wife Carol gave me a great deal of encouragement and told me it was time to go for it. It was the right choice, but certainly not an easy alle. So began my struggle to earn a living doing this." Soon after he quit his construction job, Volstad was offered a freelance position as a courtroom sketch artist by his farmer employer at the television station. lt was well-paid, though erratic work, that conflicted with his Osprey schedule even as it refined his technique. "It was a very good experience. I started out in pencil and water-colour, and that evolved into ink and feit-tip pen. I learned how to capture a likeness in about a minute. The secret is In getting the hairline and general shape of the face first, not the eyes, as you might think. I did it for three years, and since I sometimes wouldn't finish until five in the afternoon and still had my Osprey work to do; 12-hour working days were the norm." The eight colour plates in each Osprey volume were painted exactly as they are printed in the book.
"There are three figures per page, so you

end of part one of the text.
to the picture:

Ron in his studio, a room extremely welllit by fluorescent, incandescent, and naturallight. Note how orderly and clean it is, conditions, he gays, are absolutely necessary for his work. One of the sketches for a German cavalry figure can be geen on his drawing table. All photographs by Tim Wictor.
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