Sunday, August 18, 2013

Defining the Acacia Flat Top Style

The Acacia flat top style/form is typical in the African landscape. Charles Ceronio described the style/form and variations in his book, Bonsai Styles of the World. For those who don't have his book yet - you are missing out!

Here s a sketch from his book of the typical form:
Here is an nice example of a tree in nature:

And flat top can be big trees:
A damaged tree:
Most people are confusing the Pierneef and Flot top style/from. Here is a comparison:
The biggest difference is that the Pierneef splits normally into two trunks. The flat top splits into more than two:
Where the tree splits the branches are relatively straight ending in the canopy:
Here are some generalized proportions as from this picture:
Have fun designing your own African Flat Top Acacia Style/Form bonsai!

(Any observations will be welcomed.)


  1. We at the Kitchener-Waterloo Bonsai Society in Ontario Canada love your website, and our next meeting is dedicated to African style bonsai. Members already have many trees started in the Pierneef and Baobab style.
    Thanks, keep the posts coming!

  2. My pleasure.

    I am also still learning everyday.
