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'Alan Rickman was incredibly generous and humble'

Alan Rickman, who has died at the age of 69, was the president of the International Performer's Aid Trust – a charity that alleviates poverty in some of the world’s toughest conditions.

Elizabeth Pfeuti was the CEO of the charity up until a few weeks ago and worked closely with Alan last year.

She told 5 live’s Afternoon Edition, Alan was “incredibly generous, also very kind and supportive.”

He had been involved in several charities and always tried to “give back”.

Elizabeth said Alan never really liked to speak about his achievements:

“I remember the first time I met him, I was starstruck and said I loved you in Truly Madly Deeply, he just said ‘let’s get a drink’, he was incredibly humble”.

Elizabeth recently left the charity and says she wishes she’d "had the chance to say thanks. He will be incredibly missed".

This clip is originally from Afternoon edition on Thursday 14 January 2015

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2 minutes

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