It's safe to say that R-Patz has become one of the most exciting home-grown talents in the movie business. Not only has he cast off franchise fame, he continues to challenge the Twi-hard audience with a series of bold choice and hook-ups with innovative film makers.

If there are any of the tween fans left after last year's Good Time, R-Patz' next project may well see them off for good. According to reports, Pattinson has signed on to star in director Robert Eggers follow-up to The Witch – aka one of the scariest films of the last few years.

The new film is titled The Lighthouse, and has nothing to do with A-Level Virginia Woolf texts.

Instead, Willem Dafoe will play an ageing lighthouse keeper in turn-of-the-century Maine, while Pattinson's role is as yet unspecified. Naturally, all sorts of nautical myths are expected to cause our main men some degree of distress.

Either that, of course, or they could just embark on a nice fishing trip and talk about life. But we aren't betting on it.