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Geek Randomizer Guide RSS Feed

The Basics

Think of the Geek Randomizer as a sophisticated die roller app for the Geek. It is used to play various Play-by-Forum (PbF) games. Below are all the gritty details of all the various dice types and modifiers which you can use. But for most people, that's going to be information overload. Normal users of the Geek Randomizer only need to know how to insert a roll into their post and are likely to perform only the more basic rolls. So before you get confused here is 99% of what you need to know:

Whenever you make a post, you can add a roll simply by pressing the ROLL button:

User: wavemotion

You will add a very specific syntax to the "Roll" field (there is also an optional comment field). Here are some basic types of rolls which are commonly used (you can use these as examples to copy and paste with slight changes as needed for your own use):

Roll Field
Rolls three 8-sided dice and adds the results
Rolls a twenty-sided die and adds 3 to the result
Rolls 3d8 and adds those results together and then subtracts off 1d6 for the final result
Rolls 4d6 and drops the lowest die from the total
Rolls four "Fudge dice" giving a numeric result from -4 ... +4
Rolls four "Fudge dice" giving a text result on the standard Fudge Ladder ("Below",Terrible,Poor,Mediocre,Fair,Good,Great,Superb,"Beyond")
Rolls four "Fudge dice" giving a text result on the FATE 3.0 Ladder (Terrible,Poor,Mediocre,Average,Fair,Good,Great,Superb,Fantastic,Epic)
Rolls a custom d3 and chooses between Tom, Dick or Harry.
Rolls 3d6 and counts successes on a 5 or a 6.
Rolls 3d6 and counts successes on a 3 or less.
Rolls 8d10 and counts successes on a 8+ and failures on a 1.
Rolls 3d10 and "explodes" on every 10 rolled (a new die is rolled but those new dice don't explode)
Rolls 4d8 and "explodes" on every 7 or 8 rolled (all newly rolled dice may also further explode)

The Geek Randomizer

The Geek Randomizer is a tool to add dice roll and other random number to most of the system on the Geek. Rolls can be added to Forum posts, geeklists (both the header and the items ), blog posts and general comments around the site. A roll is attached to the user who created it, to the place it was added to, and also to a parent 'aggregator'. That means if the post\comment where the post was added to gets deleted, you can still see the result on the top parent.

Where does my roll shows?

As said on the intro, rolls are aggregated to keep a log and avoid cheating. Rolls added to a forum post, will show also on the thread. Shows added to a comment (like an image comment, a file comment, etc) will also show on the item itself. Geeklists are a bit different. Rolls added to the GeekList header, to GeekList comments and to GeekList items show aggregated on the GeekList itself. Rolls added to comments for GeekList items shows aggregate on that GeekList item.

How to hide the rolls

If you want to hide the Dice Rolls block of the posts, and the ability to roll on another user post, you can edit it on your Forum Settings. For this, got to Edit Forum Settings, under your Account and un-tick the box "Show Rolls block on Replies". Disabling won't block rolls to show inside posts though, only block the post log and the thread log.

User: yohanleafheart
Editing the forum settings

Allowing Other Users to add rolls to your post

If you want, you can allow other users to attach rolls to your posts, to be shown (linked to their username) on the Dice Rolls block for that. To do that, you must check the Allow Public Dice Rolls checkbox when creating or editing your post. Since not every post will have other people rolls, this box is unchecked by default.

User: yohanleafheart
Enabling public dice rolls

Rolls Limits and Abuse

There is no limit on the number of rolls a post can have. But there is a limit of 2 rolls per user on posts not created by them. You can add as many rolls as you want on your post. Abusing of this feature, is considered a form of Forum abuse and will be dealt as such by the moderators.

Using Rolls

Adding a roll to your post

User: yohanleafheart
Adding a roll to a post

To add a roll to a post you are editing or creating, click on the Add a Roll button (item 1 on the figure), and it will Popup the Chose your Dice box. The polyhedral dice link, add them to the roll input (item 2) or you can just type there directly. The comment box (item 3), as it explains, is optional if added it will show everywhere the roll is linked. After you create your post you may click on Validate, if you want, just to see if the string is valid, otherwise just click on Add Roll (which does validate before rolling). After creating your roll the code for it will be inserted on your post (item 4).


When you create a roll with this method, the result is calculated only when you Save the post, if you preview you will just see a placeholder with what you are rolling and the comment you added if any, but not the result itself. This is done to avoid cheating on PbF games. As soon as you submit the result will be calculated and shown everywhere it should be.

Deleting Rolls

You can't delete a roll you make, nor can you detach it from the post it was added too. If you delete the post, the roll will still show on the Parent Log.

The Post Log

User: yohanleafheart
The Post Roll Log

Every post that has a roll attached will show the Dice rolls block of the image above (unless you select to hide them). When you load a thread the log is hidden, clicking anyone on the title line (item 1 on the figure) will show it (or hide it is shown already). A default roll line (item 2) contain the following info

  1. The roll id
  2. The username of the roller
  3. The string the user used
  4. The result
  5. The comment, if any
  6. The date of the roll

If you click anywhere on the roll line, it toggles the show of what was indeed rolled on each of the dice (item 3).

The Parent Log

User: yohanleafheart
The Parent Log

The parent log shows all the rolls on a given page, first ordered by post than by post date. Deleted posts still have their rolls shown here. The format is more or less the same as for the post log, the main difference is that if you click on a roll it takes you to that post page, the full result string is not shown here.

Adding a roll to another user post

User: yohanleafheart
Add a roll

Another way to roll, is by clicking on the Add a Roll link on the bottom of the post. This link will appear on your own posts and posts where the user allowed for other people to attach rolls. Rolls done here will appear on both the posts log and the thread log.

Displaying the Roll

User: yohanleafheart
Four rolls displayed

To display a roll use the following code [geekroll=id][/geekroll] on your post. What will be displayed depends on a few things.

  • A roll made for that post, by the post creator shows just the string, result and comment (item 1)
  • If you click on the blue part, it will expand to show the value of each dice (item 4);
  • If you put a roll from another user, it shows the name of the user who rolled before the roll (item 2);
  • If you link to a roll you did on another post, it will show your name on the form of the post (item 3)

Rules and Dice Types

In the tables and sections below you will find all the rules to create your own roll. This includes which functions, dice type and modifiers are allowed and where. This document will be updated when we add new dice types. As a rule of thumb, a string of rolls should will be collection of dice strings separated by the one separator. There are exceptions, mostly regarding parenthesis. When creating your string, remember that the result string (after the calculation of each die roll) must be a valid math expression. That means that if your write 1d6u + + 1d8, there will be an error in your string and it won't be accepted. Each dice block should have the following format:

[number of dice][dice type][dice value][modifiers]

The tables below present the valid separators, dice type and modifiers. Modifiers are specific to the dice type, and in some case different modifiers may operate differently depending on the dice type. As a general rule, only the dice type and dice value are mandatory, the rest can be left out. When multiple modifiers are found they are checked from left to right. Characters are case insensitive and spaces are ignored.


Separators are mathematical operators used to bind the dice. Normally, a dice roll will give you as a result a single number, which will be put in an equation with the separators. There are only 6 valid separators +, -, *, /, (, ). Precedence is as usual: parenthesis first, then division and multiplication, then by addition and subtraction. Nothing fancy.

Dice types

The table below list all the dice types accepted in the system, along with a full explanation. A value of Doesn't apply in a column means that that specific column cannot appear on the dice. A (default:) means that unless specified, the default value is assumed. If there is no default for an item, it must be filled. Dice type shows the character(s) that must appear on the string as the type. For the modifiers, click on the name to go to their description. There is an examples heading later which should assist.

Dice Name
Number of Dice
Dice Type
Dice Value
Allowed Modifiers
Common Dice
Any integer (default: 1)
Any integer greater than 1, %, f or m
Exploding Die, Drop Highest, Drop Lowest, Count Success, Zero Based Die
The most common dice type, and it is the one where you can apply the biggest set of modifiers. The dice value is mandatory, and it will normally be an integer. The F value is a shortcut to roll a Fudge die. The M is a shortcut for a System Troméur die. which means that 1dF is equivalent to 1fudge and 1dM to 1trom.
Common Dice Images
Any integer (default: 1)
2img, 4img, 6img, 8img, 10img, 12img, 20img, or fimg
Exploding Die, Drop Highest, Drop Lowest, Count Success, Zero Based Die
These behave the same as their equivalent common dice, but an image of the die roll is displayed instead. These are representative examples of each type:
Ars Magica
Any integer (default: 1)
Does not Apply
Ars Magica Dice Type
Ars Magica always uses a d10 as do all of the Storyteller and derivative systems, therefore there is no reason for the dice value. The Ars Magica Dice Type modifiers are in fact the 3 dice type that you can roll: Stress, Quality or Simple. Check the entry for more details.
Any integer (default: 1)
Integer between 1 and 10 (default:8)
Specialist: s
The storyteller system rolls a number of d10 and compare with a target number, counting the success. 1 are considered a failure, and the dice value has the success minimum, the default is 8, and every 10 success gives you an additional die. If the specialist modifier is given, 10s are counted doubled.
Any integer (default: 1)
Integer between 1 and 10 (default:7)
Specialist: s
Exalted is just a shortcut for the Storyteller dice with a default of 7 instead of 10. All the same rules apply.
Any integer (default: 1)
Does not Apply
Exploding Die, Drop Highest, Drop Lowest, Count Success, Fudge Text Display
Fudge is a simple unmodified dice roll where each dice can be either be empty, + or -, with equal chances. No modifier or dice value can be used here. As said above, dF is a shortcut for a fudge die.
System Troméur
Any integer (default: 1)
Does not Apply
Does not Apply
The System Troméur rolls a given number of d6 and gives as result the highest value among them, plus a bonus equal to how many of the same type(can be a lower dice) appear. For example. if n a 7d6 you roll (5, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1), the result would be 8. 5 for the highest dice, plus 3 bonus for the 3 number 2's. If all the dice are different you get a +1 bonus.
Fury of Dracula Train
Does not Apply
Does not Apply
Does not Apply
The fury of Dracula train die is an special d6 with the following output: 0, 1, 2 (appears twice), 2/3 and X.
Any integer (default: 1)
Any integer greater than 1
Does not Apply
A shadow run roll is a dice pool of d6, with a sum recursive exploding mechanism and a difficulty.
Magic 8 Ball
Does not Apply
Does not Apply
Does not Apply
The magic 8 ball has spoken, and it predicts one of the following results: "As I see it, yes", "It is certain", "It is decidedly so", "Most likely", "Outlook good", "Signs point to yes", "Without a doubt", "Yes", "Yes – definitely", "You may rely on it", "Reply hazy, try again", "Ask again later", "Better not tell you now", "Cannot predict now", "Concentrate and ask again", "Don't count on it", "My reply is no", "My sources say no", "Outlook not so good", "Very doubtful "
Custom Dice
Any integer (default: 1)
Any integer greater than 0 plus options
Exploding Die, Count Success, Drop Highest (only numeric dice), Drop Lowest (only numeric dice)
You may create your own dice type, please check the entry at Custom Dice for the correct formating
Deck of Cards
Any integer (default: 1)
The type of deck you want to use.
Change Display, Do not Deplete, Remove Cards/tiles. Also more depending on the type.
This "dice" type allows you to use a stack of cards as a deck, created on many different ways. Each type of deck has its on set of modifiers and behavior. Refer to Card Decks types for more info on them.
Any integer (default: 1)
Any integer greater than 0 plus options
Change Display, Remove Cards/tiles
A Dominoes set will be generate a list of pairs from 0 to the count passed. There is also a second format you can use for it which is 1kDm[max_side]
Any integer (default: 1)
Change Display
A Yggdrasil die is 6-sided with the Following faces: 2 x White - 0, 2 x Blue - 1, 1 x Green - 2, 1 x Black - 3. You can change the display type using image.
Mage Knight
Any integer (default: 1)
Change Display
A Mage Knight die is 6-sided with the Following faces: Red,Blue,White,Green,Gold,Black. You can change the display type using image.

Card Decks Types

The card deck system allows the user to get a group of cards and use the as a deck, pulling cards from it and depleting the deck on the process. Decks are created for each roll made, therefore is not possible to deplete a deck between rolls, unless you use Remove Cards/tiles everytime. The table below shows all of the possible deck types and the valid attributes for each. All of the decks use the format [number of dice || w]k[type token][modifiers]. The type can be found on the table below. Modifiers, unless otherwise specified, may come in any order desired. You can also find below the list of valid cards for some of the types here.

Deck Name
Allowed Modifiers
Display Types
Basic Deck
Number of Jokers, Number of Decks, Suits, Deck Style
Abbreviation (default), Full Text, Image and HTML
A basic deck of cards. This is by default the French Design deck of cards, but other possible values are Piquet and Neapolitan. A deck of cards.
Everway (1995 Edition)
Display, No Deplete, Remove Cards, Everway Reshuffle Rules
Numeric, Name (default), Full Text, Image
The tarot-like Fortune Deck for the Everway (1995 Edition) RPG.
Ignore Direction, Remove Major Arcana, Suits, Tarot Type
Abbreviation, Full Text (default)
A set of tarot cards. There are two types already on the system (Marseille and Rider-Waite), and both can have or not the minor and major arcana.
Deck of Many Things
Only the default but without the Not Deplete.
Abbreviation, Full Text (default)
A traditional 22 cards Deck of Many Things. Are you ready for the possible pain?

Deck of Many Things

This is the list of valid cards with abbreviation for a Deck of Many Things. The abbreviation is what should be used with Remove Cards/tiles.

01B Balance 02C Comet 03D Donjon 04E Euryale
05F Fates 06F Flames 07F Fool 08G Gem
09I Idiot 10J Jester 11K Key 12K Knight
13M Moon 14R Rogue 15R Ruin 16S Skull
17S Star 18S Sun 19T Talons 20T Throne
21V Vizier 22V The Void


This is the list of valid cards with numeric, name and full text for the Everway Fortune Deck. The numeric value without the sign is what should be used with Remove Cards/tiles.

Full Text
User: randomizerimages

Varies [1]
The Usurper(+)
User: randomizerimages

Varies [1]
The Usurper(-)
User: randomizerimages

Safety [2, Sun, Air, Fire]
The Defender(+)
User: randomizerimages

Peril [2, Sun, Air, Fire]
The Defender(-)
User: randomizerimages

Nurture [3, Moon, Earth, Water]
The Creator(+)
User: randomizerimages

Abandonment [3, Moon, Earth, Water]
The Creator(-)
User: randomizerimages

The Mind Prevails [4, Air]
The Eagle(+)
User: randomizerimages

Thoughtlessness [4, Air]
The Eagle(-)
User: randomizerimages

The Body Prevails [5, Earth, Fire]
The Lion(+)
User: randomizerimages

Weakness [5, Earth, Fire]
The Lion(-)
User: randomizerimages

The Soul Prevails [6, Water]
The Fish(+)
User: randomizerimages

Shallowness [6, Water]
The Fish(-)
User: randomizerimages

New Growth [7, Air, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius]
User: randomizerimages

Stagnation [7, Air, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius]
User: randomizerimages

Energy [8, Fire, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius]
User: randomizerimages

Exhaustion [8, Fire, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius]
User: randomizerimages

Plenty [9, Earth, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn]
User: randomizerimages

Want [9, Earth, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn]
User: randomizerimages

Maturity [10, Water, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces]
User: randomizerimages

Inexperience [10, Water, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces]
User: randomizerimages

Underestimating the Challenge [11, Air, Earth, Fire, Water]
Striking the Dragon's Tail(+)
User: randomizerimages

Recognizing the Larger Problem [11, Air, Earth, Fire, Water]
Striking the Dragon's Tail(-)
User: randomizerimages

Failing to See Opportunity [12, Air]
Overlooking the Diamond(+)
User: randomizerimages

Recognizing Opportunity [12, Air]
Overlooking the Diamond(-)
User: randomizerimages

Unnecessary Fear [13, Fire]
Fearing Shadows(+)
User: randomizerimages

Recognizing Safety [13, Fire]
Fearing Shadows(-)
User: randomizerimages

Fruitless Labor [14, Earth]
Sowing Stones(+)
User: randomizerimages

Ceasing Fruitless Labor [14, Earth]
Sowing Stones(-)
User: randomizerimages

Protective Measures Turn Dangerous [15, Water]
Drowning in Armor(+)
User: randomizerimages

True Prudence [15, Water]
Drowning in Armor(-)
User: randomizerimages

Purity [16, Air, Water]
The Unicorn(+)
User: randomizerimages

Temptation [16, Air, Water]
The Unicorn(-)
User: randomizerimages

Valor [17, Fire, Air]
The Griffin(+)
User: randomizerimages

Cowardice [17, Fire, Air]
The Griffin(-)
User: randomizerimages

Indulgence [18, Fire, Earth]
The Satyr(+)
User: randomizerimages

Moderation [18, Fire, Earth]
The Satyr(-)
User: randomizerimages

Cunning [19, Earth, Air]
The Dragon(+)
User: randomizerimages

Blind Fury [19, Earth, Air]
The Dragon(-)
User: randomizerimages

Corruption [20, Earth, Water]
The Cockatrice(+)
User: randomizerimages

Recovery [20, Earth, Water]
The Cockatrice(-)
User: randomizerimages

Rebirth [21, Water, Fire]
The Phoenix(+)
User: randomizerimages

Destruction [21, Water, Fire]
The Phoenix(-)
User: randomizerimages

Freedom [22, Sun]
The Fool(+)
User: randomizerimages

Lack of Connection [22, Sun]
The Fool(-)
User: randomizerimages

Wisdom [23, Mercury]
The Hermit(+)
User: randomizerimages

Isolation [23, Mercury]
The Hermit(-)
User: randomizerimages

Simple Strength [24, Venus]
The Peasant(+)
User: randomizerimages

Lack of Vision [24, Venus]
The Peasant(-)
User: randomizerimages

Understanding Mysteries [25, Moon]
The Priestess(+)
User: randomizerimages

Impracticality [25, Moon]
The Priestess(-)
User: randomizerimages

Productivity [26, Mars]
The Smith(+)
User: randomizerimages

Evil Effort [26, Mars]
The Smith(-)
User: randomizerimages

Authority [27, Jupiter]
The King(+)
User: randomizerimages

Tyranny [27, Jupiter]
The King(-)
User: randomizerimages

Duty [28, Saturn]
The Soldier(+)
User: randomizerimages

Blind Obedience [28, Saturn]
The Soldier(-)
User: randomizerimages

Change [29, Anubis, Water]
User: randomizerimages

Stasis [29, Anubis, Water]
User: randomizerimages

Growth [30, Kuan-Yin, Water, Earth]
User: randomizerimages

Decline [30, Kuan-Yin, Water, Earth]
User: randomizerimages

Creativity [31, Brighid, Fire, Water]
User: randomizerimages

Lack of Imagination [31, Brighid, Fire, Water]
User: randomizerimages

Truth [32, Quetzalcoatl, Air]
User: randomizerimages

Falsehood [32, Quetzalcoatl, Air]
User: randomizerimages

Order [33, Odin, Air, Earth]
User: randomizerimages

Treachery [33, Odin, Air, Earth]
User: randomizerimages

Life Energy [34, Gaia, Earth]
User: randomizerimages

Energy Sapped [34, Gaia, Earth]
User: randomizerimages

Great Effort [35, Ogun, Fire]
User: randomizerimages

Effort Misspent [35, Ogun, Fire]
User: randomizerimages

Deceit [36, Coyote, Air, Fire]
User: randomizerimages

Subterfuge Revealed [36, Coyote, Air, Fire]

Custom Dice

You have the ability to create your own type of dice with custom faces. The format in this case is [number of dice]custom[dice value || w]{options range or options list}[modifiers]. There two types of custom dice, the normal and the weighted.
  • For the normal custom dice, the dice value must be an integer greater than 0, and the options must be equal to its number. So if you want to roll a 6-side custom die, but only give 4 options it will fail. There are 2 formats to put the faces for your die in this case, a range and a list;
  • For the weighted, the "number of dice" must be the letter w and it should be followed by an option list, where every element is of the format weight:value. Please check below for more examples;

Options Range

You can add either a character range or an array range, and an optional step integer. The format is startingpoint - endpoint[, stepvalue] (the brackets not appearing and indicating only the optional part, spaces are ignored so they can be added for readablity). If you are using a character for starting and endpoints, it must be an us-EN alphabet character, there is a differentiation between uppercase and lowercase. If you don't pass an step value, it will assume that you want it to be continual. The below examples should help.

  • 1custom6{-3 - 2} - Rolls a 6 sided die whose faces are -3, -2, 1, 0, 1, 2;
  • 1custom6{-7 - -3} - Rolls a 6 sided die whose faces are -3, -2, 1, 0, 1, 2;
  • 1custom6{A - F} - Rolls a 6 sided die whose faces are A, B, C, D, E and F;
  • 1custom6{A - f} - Fails because there are more than 6 characters on the options (characters are counted based on their chr value
  • 1custom10{0 - 90, 10} - Rolls a 10 sided die whose faces are 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90

Options List

Another option is to give a list of the values for each face. For this you must use a list of values, separated by semi-colon optionally enclosed in double quotes (which don't appear on the final output). The only limitation is that you can't use double quotes on your values. If all of the values of the list are numeric, the output is considered numeric and will accept modifiers, otherwise not. Blank faces, curly bracers and brackets must be enclosed by double quotes.

Any BBCode that you add here are kept on the output, just remember that the font is already bolded, and you can't change that. You can use the options list to display images of the geek too, the option for the image should have the following format: iid:image_id . Images are displayed inline so use small images (max size 20x20px) as not to break the flow of the text.

  • 1custom6{0;2;2;2;3;3} - Rolls a 6 sided die whose faces are 0, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3 . It is numeric.
  • 1custom6{0;2;2;"2";3;"-3"} - Rolls a 6 sided die whose faces are 0, 2, 2, 2, 3, -3. It is numeric.
  • 1custom6{Yes;No;File not Found;True;False;""} - Rolls a 6 sided die whose faces are Yes, No, File not Found, True, False and a blank face. It is not numeric.
  • 1custom3{iid:833639;iid:833638;iid:833637} - Rolls a 3 sided die whose faces are
    User: yohanleafheart
    User: yohanleafheart
    User: yohanleafheart
    . It is not numeric.
  • 1custom6{Yes;No;File not Found;True;False;} - Fails, as the blank face is not properly encoded

Weighted Options List

Everything said above about lists apply here. Also, every option on the list must be on the format weight:value, again, optionally enclosed in double quotes. Weight must be a positive numeric integer. Everything else works like above. The number of "faces" on the die, is the sum of all of the weights. For example

  • 10customw{"2:15";"5:35"} - Rolls 10 times a 7 sided die, with 2 15 faces and 5 35 faces. It is considered numeric
  • 1customw{15:iid:833639;10:iid:833638;5:iid:833637} - Rolls a 30 sided die whose faces are
    User: yohanleafheart
    (15 of those)
    User: yohanleafheart
    (10 of those)
    User: yohanleafheart
    (5 of those). It is not numeric.

Dice Modifiers

Modifiers are represented on the roll as a string which may be or not followed by a set of brackets with numbers. Except for the Ars Magica Dice Type modifiers, all the others apply only to the Common Die type. Although you can add together as many you want on to a roll, some may not be logical and will give strange results. Every modifier entry has a table in the below format:

Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Non numeric friendly?
The token character for this modifier. If two tokens are shown, check the description for the difference between them
If you can add an attribute to the die roll. This will be either Allowed, Mandatory, or Not Allowed. If there is a default it will be added here too. If no default is given, it means the attribute is by default ignored.
If a second attribute is possible, same rules as above.
If the modifier can be used with non numeric custom die. Most of the modifiers can only be applied to numeric dice, but some has special rules in this case. So ready the entry carefully.

Every time a modifier accepts attributes they must be surround by brackets. The A2 must be preceded by a comma, so for example, to add 2 attributes, 10 and 5 to a modifier, you would write [10,2] if you only want A2, [,2] and for A1 only, [10]. When you are passing a non numeric attribute, it must be enclosed by curly brackets, and multiple values separated by semi colon and optionally enclosed in double quotes: For example [{skull;shield}], [,{data;"a;d"}] or [{skull;shield},]. Non numeric attributes do not have default values.

Zero Based Die

Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Non numeric friendly?
Not Allowed
Not Allowed

A Zero based roll is when you consider that the die starts one zero and goes to (total - 1) value. For example, instead of a die counting from 1 to 10 it goes from 0 to 9. There is an special rule here, as it must be the first of the modifiers, otherwise it won't validate.

Exploding Die

Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Non numeric friendly?
r, rr, sr, srr
Allowed (numeric default: Max dice value)
Allowed for numeric only
Yes for some cases

An exploding die, means that if you roll higher than a given number, you roll an additional die and add that value to this result. The first attribute sets the threshold for the re-roll (it is greater or equal, not just greater). So, 3d10r, will roll an additional die for every 10 rolled, while 3d10r[8], rolls a new one for every 8 or higher rolled. A2 makes the dice imploding too. That means if you roll less or equal to the number given you roll a new die and subtract from your result. (4d10r[,3] would reroll and subtract on every 3 or less. A dice can both be imploding and exploding at the same time. Normally an exploding die is non-recursive, that means that if you roll higher than the target on the reroll you don't get a new die, using rr changed that behavior. For example, let's say that I'm rolling 3d8 exploding on 6 or greater and I roll (4, 5, 8) rolling a 7 on the extra die:

  1. Normal (3d8r[6]): My result would be 4 + 5 + 8 + 7 = 24, and I don't reroll because of the extra 7.
  2. Recursive (3d8rr[6]): Since I rolled a 7, I get another die. If that die is again higher than 6, I will keep rerolling and adding until it is normal.

You may explode, but not implode, non numeric die. In those cases, A1 should be the list of values that allow for re-rolling.

When applying other modifiers to a roll, specially Count Success, every new die that you got when you exploded recursive or not, count as a different die. That may not be the intended behavior always, for example you may want to explode a die add to your first value to surpass a difficult that is even greater. For these cases, you can preceed the token by an s (using sr for non recursive and srr for recursive). This will treat the exploded dice values as part of the first die value. These tokens cannot be used with non numeric dice.

Drop Highest

Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Non numeric friendly?
Allowed (default: 1)
Not Allowed

As the name implies, this modifier drop from the result the highest die rolled. If A1 is given, that amount of die will be dropped, if not only 1.

Drop Lowest

Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Non numeric friendly?
Allowed (default: 1)
Not Allowed

As the name implies, this modifier drop from the result the lowest die rolled. If A1 is given, that amount of die will be dropped, if not only 1.

Count Success

Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Non numeric friendly?
c, ic
Allowed (numeric default: max value type)
Yes but not for Inverted Count

The count success modifier changes the calculation from a straight sum to a count. Every die rolled above A1, or the max value for the die if none given, counts as a success (adds 1 to the count); other rolls count as 0. If A2 is given, any die equal or lower than that number is counted as a failure and removes 1 success from the count. If you use the ic token, the count is inverted, which means that every die rolled below A1 counts as a success, and every die rolled above A2 (if provided) counts as a failure.

For non numeric dice, the Count must receive at least on of the Attributes. If both are empty it will fail. When comparing for success (or failure), the result must match one of the elements of either array.

Ars Magica Dice Type

Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Non numeric friendly?
Allowed (default: 3)
Not Allowed
Not Allowed
Not Allowed
Not Allowed
Not Allowed

There are 3 Ars Magica dice type, the Stress(s), Quality(q) and Simple(i) die, which appear depending on the edition but work the same in all of them, of these only the stress die can accept an attribute. The simple die, as the name implies, is a simple 1d10 die where the 0 count as 10. The quality die behaves a little different. If you roll an 1 you will roll another d10 and multiply the result on this second d10 by 2. If the new d10 is another 1, you keep rerolling and multiplying. So, for example, if you roll 1,1,8 the final result is 32. On the first die (before any 's rolled) a 0 count as 0, on the next die it counts as 10.

The stress die works like the Quality, but on the first roll if you roll a 0, you will have to check if you rolled a botch. You will roll A1 new dice (or 3 if none given) and every 0 in there counts as a botch. If no botch is rolled, the dice is assumed to have been a simple 0 roll and things go normal, if any number of botch is rolled the Storyteller will decide what happens. The Ars Magica Stress die can give you a non-numeric output, n case of a botch, so be careful of putting it on the same string as any other dice, as this will give you strange results.

Fudge Text Display

Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Non numeric friendly?
Allowed (default: 0)
Allowed (default: Vanilla)
Yes but makes the roll non numeric

The fudge text display is an way to convert the numeric result of the dice into a string representation of how good the roll was. It allows for a lot of options, including the feed of your own table, and which is the skill\attribute level you have.

A1 represents the start level for the roll. It can either be a numeric value or an string with an entry on the options table. If you want to add an string representation it must be enclosed by curly bracers, the numeric value must be by itself. If no entry is given, an index of 0 is assumed. If an string is given, and it can't be found on the array of options, it fails. Valid entries can be ft
, ft[5], ft[-3], ft[].

A2 represents the table with the range options for your roll. All of the values needs to be enclosed by curly bracers. There are some common tables already defined with acronyms: these can be vanilla and fudge (both maps to the fudge table below) and fate (maps to the fate table). If you want to create your own options table the values must be separated by semi colons, optionaly enclosed by double quotes and each has to use the following format int_index:value . So for example ft[,{0:Fair;"-1:Total Doom";+1:Beyond the Thunderdome}] will be a correct map.

When converting to the string representation, results that explode the table will be preceeded by "Beyond" or "Below" as appropriate.

The Fudge Vanilla Table

-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
Terrible Poor Mediocre Fair Good Great Superb

Deck and Dominoes Modifiers

Decks and Dominoes, use a separate set of modifiers than the ones used for dice. So they were separated on the code and will be separated in here. The default column shows the behavior for that modifier if it is not present on the roll.

Change Display

Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Mandatory, it should be an option list of size 1, so [{}] ( no default )
Not Allowed
Depends on the deck type

Decks might have more than one type of display, some allow you to show images instead of texts, others at least have the possibility of using at least an abbreviation or the full text display. The table below shows the possible values, which deck types use them and the value of A1 that you need to use.

Display Type
Attribute 1 (A1)
Valid Decks
All of them
An abbreviation, normally a 2-3 alphanumeric string representing the card. Examples are : 2s (Two of Swords), 1+ (The Usurper - Upright), I (The Magician), 01B (Balance), etc.
Full Text
All of them
A text string spelling the name of the car. Examples: Two of Swords, Queen of Diamonds, Skull, Horseman of Clubs,Plenty [9, Earth, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn]
Everway, Basic (except Neapolitan), Yggdrasil
Changes the representation for an image instead of a text.
The numeric value of the card plus a sign (+ or -) indicating the direction it was drawn.
The name of the card followed by the direction sign
Basic (except Neapolitan)
Shows the character represeting the card, followed by an html symbol of the suit. Example A♥, 2♣, etc

Do Not Deplete

Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Not Allowed
Not Allowed

By default, all of the card on the deck are considered unique, so when you pull one, that card is removed from the deck. By setting this option you change this behavior so that if you select more than one card, the full generated deck is used every time.

Remove Cards/Tiles

Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Mandatory. It should be an option list of valid cards to be removed from the deck(does not have a default)
Not Allowed

There are types where you want to create a deck but remove a few of its cards before rolling. One of the basic uses is to simulate that the same deck is used among several rolls. The list of cards should use the numeric (In the case of Everway) or the abbreviation for the card types. Check the Examples for how it works. Also check it deck entry about the possible values.


Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Mandatory. It should be an option list of valid suits identifiers to be used
Not Allowed
For Basic Decks it is a full suit of the type, for Tarot cards it is none.

A basic deck is considered a set of playing cards with numeric values and a group of face cards in a number of suits, where every suit has the same card values. On a tarot deck, this is the rule played by the minor arcanas.

You can use this attribute to choose which suits you will use when rolling the deck. The suits are dependent on the specific type of deck you are using, so refer to Deck Style and Tarot Type for the valid values. You must use the suit identifier on the list, not its full name.

Deck Style

Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Mandatory. It should be an option list of 1 element which is the type of deck
Not Allowed
French Design

A basic deck is considered a set of playing cards with numeric values and a group of face cards in a number of suits, where every suit has the same card values. There are 3 types now on the system. The French Design, Piquet cards and the Neapolitan deck. The table below shows the structure of each of them regarding the suits and the cards that appear on it.

Deck Type
Suits (identifier)
French Design
Spades (s), Clubs (b), Hearts (h), Diamonds (d)
Numeric cards from 2 to 10, with Jack, Queen, King and Ace
Spades (s), Clubs (b), Hearts (h), Diamonds (d)
Numeric cards from 7 to 10, with Jack, Queen, King and Ace
Swords (s), Coins (d), Clubs (b), Cups (c)
Numeric cards from 1 to 7, with Jack, Horseman, King

Tarot Type

Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Mandatory. It should be an option list of 1 element which is the type of deck
Not Allowed

A basic deck is considered a set of playing cards with two separate groups. The Major arcana are a set of cards, with its own numeration and each with archetype\image displayed. The Minor Arcana consist of numeric and face cards in a number of suits, where every suit has the same card values. There are two type now on the System, they are similar with minor variations, Marseille and Rider-Waite.

Deck Type
Minor Suits (identifier)
Swords (s), Coins (c), Wands (w), Cups (u)
Major Arcana: 'I' => 'The Magician', 'II' => 'The Papess', 'III' => 'The Empress', 'IV' => 'The Emperor', 'V' => 'The Pope', 'VI' => 'The Lovers', 'VII' => 'The Chariot', 'VIII' => 'Justice', 'IX' => 'The Hermit', 'X' => 'The Wheel of Fortune', 'XI' => 'Strength', 'XII' => 'The Hanged Man', 'XIII' => 'Death', 'XIV' => 'Temperance', 'XV' => 'The Devil', 'XVI' => 'The Tower', 'XVII' => 'The Star', 'XVIII' => 'The Moon', 'XIX' => 'The Sun', 'XX' => 'Judgement', 'XXI' => 'The World', '0' => 'The Fool'
Minor Arcana: Numeric cards from 2 to 10, with Page, Knight, Queen, King and Ace
Swords (s), Pentacles (p), Wands (w), Cups (u)
Major Arcana: 'I' => 'The Magician', 'II' => 'The High Priestess', 'III' => 'The Empress', 'IV' => 'The Emperor', 'V' => 'The Hierophant', 'VI' => 'The Lovers', 'VII' => 'The Chariot', 'VIII' => 'Fortitude', 'IX' => 'The Hermit', 'X' => 'The Wheel of Fortune', 'XI' => 'Justice', 'XII' => 'The Hanged Man', 'XIII' => 'Death', 'XIV' => 'Temperance', 'XV' => 'The Devil', 'XVI' => 'The Tower', 'XVII' => 'The Star', 'XVIII' => 'The Moon', 'XIX' => 'The Sun', 'XX' => 'Judgement', 'XXI' => 'The World', '0' => 'The Fool'
Minor Arcana: Numeric cards from 2 to 10, with Page, Knight, Queen, King and Ace

Everway Reshuffle Rules

Mod Token
Attribute 1 (A1)
Attribute 2 (A2)
Mandatory. It should be an options list with the semicolon-delimited list of cards to trigger the reshuffle.
Allowed. It should be an option list of 1 element which is the reshuffle option, valid options are: full, custom. Default: custom.

When playing Everway, You may want to draw multiple cards at once but still desire a reshuffle to happen when The Usurper is drawn. This option lets you specify the card number(s) you wish to reshuffle on; most often card 1, The Usurper. The full option uses the full deck including those removed (with the Remove Cards/tiles option) when reshuffling, while the custom leaves the removed cards out when reshuffling. Note that the Do not Deplete option supersedes the shuffle option.


On the table below you can find a list of test rolls and how the system will process then.

Roll String
Roll 3 d8s and add the results
Arsq + 10
Rolls an Ars Magica Quality die and add 10 to the total
Rolls 10 fudge dice
Rolls 8 d10 counting results of 8 or greater as success and 1s as failures
Rolls 10 Exalted die considering 10s as double
1d8*2 - 1d4
Rolls 1 d8 multiplying the result by 2 and after subtracts 1d4 from the result
5custom6{a - f}c[{a;b},{f'}]
Rolls 5 d6 (whose faces are a, b, c, d, e, f) counting a and b as success and f as a failure
Select 10 cards from a basic frech design deck and return the images for them
Selects 2 Everway cards, display the name of the card. Also it ignores the direction, so every card is considered upright, and remove from deck before drawing cards 1 ,10, 21 and 30
Selects 5 Everway cards and display the cards as images. Remove cards 2, 8, and 12 before drawing cards, but reshuffle if The Usurper (card 1) is drawn (including removed cards) and continue drawing from the fresh deck

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