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Zethraeus N 60caps confido amex, Borgström F confido 60 caps free shipping, Johnell O, of vertebral fracture in Europe: results (2000) Recognition of vertebral fracture Kanis J, Önnby K, Jönsson B. Osteoporos Int 11: Costs and quality of life associated with porosis Study (EPOS). J Bone Miner 577–582 osteoporosis related fractures – results Res 17:716–724 5. SSE/EFI Work- J (2003) Hospital care of osteoporosis- ing Paper Series in Economics and Fi- related vertebral fractures. Disc degen- mal images, and complaints is still eration, facet degeneration and hy- unclear. Lumbar stenosis is a very pertrophy, and ligamentum flavum common reason for decompressive hypertrophy and calcification usually surgery and/or fusion. Various condi- participate in the genesis of a stenotic tions can lead to a narrowing of the condition in the elderly. These neural pathways and differential di- changes can lead to symptoms by agnosis with vascular troubles, also themselves or decompensate a preex- common in the elderly, can be chal- isting narrow canal. The investigation of stenotic lesions are more central or more lat- symptoms should be extremely care- eral, this classic dichotomy is less ful and thorough and include a choice M. Szpalski (✉) present in the elderly patient, in of technical examinations including Department of Orthopedics, Hôpitaux Iris Sud–Molière Longchamp, whom the degenerative process usu- vascular investigations. This is of ut- 142 rue Marconi, 1190 Brussels, Belgium ally encroaches both central and lat- most importance, especially if a sur- Fax: +32-2-3446606, eral pathways. Some less common gical sanction is considered to avoid e-mail: mszp@win. However, degeneration in the spine has some very specific Although stenosis and claudication were described as characteristics. The three-joint nature of the functional early as 1883, the modern description of this pathol- unit and the intimate contact with neural structures as well ogy was performed by Verbiest in the 1950s. Lumbar as the existence of a large avascular structure (the inter- spinal stenosis is a common condition in elderly patients vertebral disc) account for this specificity.

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In endocrine tis- nating in the hypothalamus and ending in the posterior pitu- sues buy confido 60caps with amex, neoplasms may be an added source of the hormone nor- itary gland control secretions of the posterior pituitary buy confido 60 caps with visa. In nonendocrine tissues, various hypothalamus secretes hormones called releasing and in- 321 322 SECTION 4 DRUGS AFFECTING THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM BOX 22–1 MAJOR HORMONES AND THEIR GENERAL FUNCTIONS Anterior pituitary hormones are growth hormone (also called Thyroid hormones include triiodothyronine (T3 or liothyro- somatotropin), corticotropin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, follicle- nine) and tetraiodothyronine (T4 or thyroxine). Most regulate the metabolic rate of the body and greatly influence of these hormones function by stimulating secretion of other growth and development. Parathyroid hormone, also called parathormone or PTH, reg- Posterior pituitary hormones are antidiuretic hormone ulates calcium and phosphate metabolism. ADH helps maintain fluid Pancreatic hormones are insulin and glucagon, which regu- balance; oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions during child- late the metabolism of glucose, lipids, and proteins. Ovarian hormones (female sex hormones) are estrogens and Adrenal cortex hormones, commonly called corticosteroids, progesterone. Estrogens promote growth of specific body cells and include the glucocorticoids, such as cortisol, and the mineralocorti- development of most female secondary sexual characteristics. Glucocorticoids influence carbohydrate Progesterone helps prepare the uterus for pregnancy and the mam- storage, exert anti-inflammatory effects, suppress corticotropin se- mary glands for lactation. Mineralocorticoids help Testicular hormone (male sex hormone) is testosterone, which regulate electrolyte balance, mainly by promoting sodium retention regulates development of masculine characteristics. Placental hormones are chorionic gonadotropin, estrogen, The adrenal medulla hormones are epinephrine and norepinephrine progesterone, and human placental lactogen, all of which are con- (see Chap. The anterior pituitary, in turn, secretes hormones that mones can affect a single tissue or function (eg, catecholamines, act on target tissues, usually to stimulate production of other glucagon, secretin, and prolactin regulate lipolysis [release of hormones. For example, hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing fatty acids from adipose tissue]). For ex- cotropin, and corticotropin, in turn, stimulates the adrenal ample, ACTH, cortisol, and growth hormone are secreted in cortex to produce cortisol. This complex interrelationship is 24-hour (circadian) cycles, whereas estrogen and progestin often referred to as the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical secretion is related to the 28-day menstrual cycle. It functions by a negative feedback system, in which hormone secretion is stimulated when hormones are needed and inhibited when they are not needed.

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