Sea Urchin

SEA URCHIN from the Philippine Seas. I don’t know anything about this sea creature but I heard it is a delicacy.

My week was great in a calm way. We found a business that teaches cake decorating here in the Bronx but class was already full. I signed up for the next one scheduled for November. We saw his picture in the local papers and the article said they sold “banking” supplies. He is an authorized baking supply dealer, just the guy I need.

I already tried baked ziti on my double oven and it came so yummy. Cooking is not my favorite thing but I love to eat, so what the hell. The alternative is fast food take out and you know the rest of the story.

Back therapy is working well because my stamina has improved. I can walk for one hour at low-speed to medium speed without getting short of breath. I tried out for Zumba today for 15 minutes and I enjoyed it and felt like I burned a few calories. Another “old woman” was trying it out as well. I have forgotten how low self-esteem looked like and I could not wait to get out of her space. Anyway, a roving reporter was there and he was taking pictures. Ugh!

Facebook is a godsend for me. I found the Pasig River cleanup groups working to raise funds by staging a run around Metro Manila. My classmate knew my obsession with this cause and when I told him this was a Chemical Engineering challenge, he agreed and was willing to connect me with classmates who worked on water quality. I am devising an enrolling email to send to my group to see it I can find those classmates. Most of us are retired now, so this might be something they won’t mind getting involved in. I am updating my Pasig River Watch blog so they get the idea a lot easier.

Watching Undercover Boss. Cool!

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