Send Old School 'Cowboys & Aliens' Themed Telegrams via Snail Mail

July 20, 2011

Cowboys & Aliens Telegrams

Telegrams? Sent via snail mail? What a crazy concept! I'm only kidding, this is actually pretty damn cool. Universal has launched a new online campaign for Jon Favreau's Cowboys & Aliens partnered with Telegram Stop, a website that is mailing out customized, Cowboys & Aliens themed telegrams with any message you want. They normally cost $6 to send, but Universal is covering the costs on this, and you can use the promo code CA2011 to get 5 free Cowboys & Aliens telegrams sent out. I think this is pretty damn cool, even though it'll take a few days to arrive in your mailbox (the real one on your street, not your inbox).

Cowboys & Aliens Telegram

If you're interested in sending out a telegram, click on the photo above to go to the Telegram Stop website and check out their Cowboys & Aliens specific page. This is obviously timed with Comic-Con as well, as the big world premiere is here in San Diego on Saturday night. I would've loved to see them hand-deliver telegrams to anyone in/around San Diego the same day they order a telegram, as that would've been an awesome local viral that would be so cool to see, but it sounds like these are just being sent via snail mail. Have fun sending random letters to your friends! Cowboys & Aliens hits theaters everywhere on July 29th.


Find more posts: Hype, Movie News, Viral Marketing



Great idea, love it!

Anonymous on Jul 20, 2011


Done and done.  Already sent a couple!

Jertown on Jul 21, 2011


Ah dang, missed the freebie. Disappointment lane for me.

Merc on Jul 21, 2011


What the. The free promo code must have only been live for a few hours at MOST. JUST for this, I'm gonna pirate a BDRip of Cowboys & Aliens instead of going to the cinema.

Dave on Jul 21, 2011


this still works if anyones interested, i've just sent 3 using that code.

Alex J Moore on Jul 22, 2011


yeah..doesn't work so I guess for payback i will download the movie instead of going to see it in the theater and burn copy's for all my friends.

How2makeazombie on Jul 28, 2011

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