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Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Gossip Girl, Weeds, NCIS, Fringe, 90210, Grey’s Anatomy and More!

Spoilers on NCIS, Fringe, Gossip Girl, Weeds and More -- Ask Ausiello

Got a scoop request? An anonymous tip you’re dying to share? Just want to say hi? Send any/all of the above to

Question: I need a scoop about the NCIS finale! —Jessica
Ausiello: It’s titled “Till Death Do Us Part,” and not just because it features Palmer’s wedding. “It suggests some impending danger for the rest of the team as well,” warns showrunner Gary Glasberg. “There is an unbreakable bond between the members of our NCIS family, and it would take something earth-shattering to change that.” (Sounds like someone’s been taking Professor Hart Hanson’s night class, Introduction to Cryptic Episodic Soundbites.)

Exclusive: 52 Season Finales Spoiled (Including Glee, Grey’s, Community and More!)

Question: Does Naomi stop Max’s wedding on 90210? Please tell me she does. —Matt
Ausiello: I’m going to sidestep your direct question and instead offer you this tease about the May 15 finale: One couple breaks up, another reunites and a third relocates far, far away from Rodeo Drive. Oh, and someone is involved in a horrific and seemingly fatal car accident. (Yes, I too have enrolled in Mr. Hanson’s class.)

Question: What is the deal with Fringe? They keep dragging out this renewal/cancellation business and it is making me really mad! They need to make a decision. —Brian
Ausiello: I thought for sure today was the day we’d hear something. I’m pretty sure a decision to bring the show back for a fifth and final season has been made, with the two sides just trying to make the numbers work. But I’d be lying if I said the delay isn’t worrisome. In the meantime, we asked John Noble at last week’s opening of the Beverly Hills Paley Center’s “Television: Out of the Box” exhibit if any of the May 11 season finale would take place in the Alt Universe, and he said, “Not in the actual final episode, but you’ll see a lot of it in the one before.” We also presented Josh Jackson with the theory that Olivia being fated to die will tie in with the mysterious Mr. X seen in last year’s animated episode. His response? “That’s a good theory. You’re close, actually. Not all the way there, but you’re close.”

Question: GCB scoop, please! —Abby
Ausiello: Cricket and Blake’s little secret? It’s not going to be safe for much longer, I’m afraid.

Question: Any Desperate Housewives series finale scoop? —Sam
Ausiello: How about the title of the swan song? Sources confirm to me exclusively that the May 13 series finale is called, “Finishing the Hat,” a nod to the Stephen Sondheim ditty from the musical Sunday in the Park With George. (It was also the title the iconic lyricist used for his 2010 memoir.) The song “describes detail by detail the exhilarating, frustrating, fulfilling and unsatisfying business of creating a piece of art,” New York Times theater critic Ben Brantley once wrote. Pop quiz: Is DH ending with an old-fashioned musical number, or is series creator Marc Cherry just a big Sondheim enthusiast? The answer is coming up!

Question: When will Dan and Blair say those three magic words to each other on Gossip Girl? They will say them, right? —Lolita
Ausiello: One of them will. The other one won’t be quite ready to go there.

Question: Why so awesome, Ausiello? Is there some kind of vitamin you take or were you just born that way? Can I now have a Gossip Girl scoop? —Alice
Ausiello: An extraordinary ass-kissing begets an equally extraordinary scoop: In an upcoming episode, the role of Blair will be played by… Blake Lively. Now go ahead and decipher that little brain teaser in the comments. I’m very curious to see what you come up with.

***Desperate Housewives quiz answer: It’s the latter. In fact, Cherry has named every DH episode after a Sondheim song or lyric. Thanks for playing!***

Question: Any scoop on the upcoming season of Weeds? I’ll take anything! —Chris
Ausiello: The Season 7 finale left things a bit ambiguous, but I can confirm that Nancy was definitely shot by that sniper. I know this because the Season 8 premiere features multiple paramedics, a hospital administrator, a detective and, most tellingly, a brain surgeon.

Question: Thank for the Grimm season finale scoop. Anything you can tell us about the episodes leading up to it? —Sue

Ausiello: Instead of telling you, how ’bout I show you? Look to the left and feast your eyes on an exclusive image of Monroe (awkwardly) breaking bread with Nick and Juliette in the April 27 episode, “Leave it to Beavers.”

Question: So, I’m ridiculously excited about Arizona’s childhood friend making an appearance next month on Grey’s Anatomy. Can you tell us what you know? —Jennifer
Ausiello: Funny story — her childhood friend is this guy! And he actually makes two appearances, on May 3 and May 10. (Speaking of Grey’s dish, did you see this?!)

Question: I would love it if you had any Awkward scoop. I’m still holding out for Jenna and Matty! —AmyAusiello: You won’t have to hold out much longer. When Season 2 picks up, Jenna and current BF Jake hit a rough patch and guess who she turns to for, um, support? Hint: He’s tall, cute and commitment-phobic. In other news, Sadie lets Tamara’s skeezy on- and off-again boyfriend Ricky feel her up while dancing — something TVLine’s Vlada Gelman exclusively confirms is “just plain wrong.”

Question: I’ll take anything you’ve got on my favorite drama, The Good Wife, or on my favorite comedy, Parks and Recreation. – Leah
Ausiello: Forget this “or” stuff. You’re getting scoop on both. On Good Wife, Peter makes a decision in the finale that could greatly impact his run for governor. And on Parks and Rec, Andy’s FBI alter ego Burt Macklin makes a triumphant return during May sweeps to find out who tried to pie Leslie at a campaign event. Also, there’s a rather shocking hook-up on the horizon!

Question: Any scoop on 30 Rock‘s live episode? —Jordan
Ausiello: The B-story involves Jenna and Paul considering/embarking on “the next step in their relationship,” reveals EP Robert Carlock. For scoop on the A-story, click here.

Question: Is it too much to ask for a Smash spoiler? —Kelly
Ausiello: Not when the spoiler involves Ellis and a loaded gun! Jaime Cepero, the very cool actor behind the infamous Broadway villain, says this about the show’s May 14 finale: “Everyone’s been referring to Ellis as Chekhov’s gun. Well, in [the finale], Chekhov’s gun explodes.”

Question: Thanks for the scoop on Bernadette’s father on The Big Bang Theory, but what about her mother? I heard the show was introducing her as well. — Nick
Ausiello: Mrs. Rostenkowski was supposed to turn up during May sweeps alongside Mr. Rostenkowski, but those plans were scrapped. However, exec producer Bill Prady tells us “we’ll probably see her in Season 6.”

Question: Do you think Amy Poehler would ever guest-star on Up All Night? [Her husband] Will Arnett appeared on Parks and Recreation, so it seems only fair! —Julie
It actually almost happened. “We tried it one time and there was a scheduling issue,” reveals exec producer Emily Spivey, who admits to having some reservations about the casting stunt. “I would work with Amy no matter what and would be thrilled to have her, [but] there’s something about it that feels like we [should] keep [the two shows] separate, you know?”

Question: Keeping my fingers firmly crossed for a Nikita renewal. Got any scoop? —Frances
Ausiello: Only that it remains very much on the bubble. In more definitive news, there’s a death in this Friday’s episode that, per a source, is both “sad and shocking.”

Question: I have a mad crush on a certain B—– in Apartment 23. Scoop? —Mario
Ausiello: I’m crushing pretty hard on her myself. As you may know from promos, when James Van Der Beek hires a lackey, Chloe enlists her own personal assistant — by adopting a foster child. Yet how does she make that happen? Says Krysten Ritter, “By convincing social services that June and I are lesbian co-parents.”

Question: Another blind item clue? —Tyler

Ausiello: OK. Meet me here tomorrow around midday.

Question: I am going through major Vampire Diaries withdrawals! Got anything? —Amy
Ausiello: Sounds like Caroline will be busy trying to figure out a way to save her man Tyler in the May 10 season finale. “They’re still forming their master plan on trying to take down the Originals,” says Candice Accola of the show’s big finish. But given that Tyler is part of Klaus’ blood line and killing the Original hybrid would bring about Tyler’s own demise, “They have be much more strategic about it. That’s the big argument — who’s going to be sacrificed at this point? Everyone’s going to be paired up [with an Original] and we’re going to see who’s willing.” Um, sacrificed? Does that mean we can expect a heartbreaking death? “It doesn’t [necessarily] happen in the finale,” Accola replies, coyly. Holy hell, how many students does Hanson’s classroom hold?!

That’s a wrap! Please send questions, comments, and anonymous tips to (Additional reporting by Vlada Gelman, Megan Masters and Alyse Whitney)

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