7.0.56: * Fixed: Error in ID3 tag parsing causes Acoustica to crash when loading some MP3 files 7.0.51: * Fixed: Horizontal axis grid in Vitalize doesn't match frequency axis * Fixed: Vitalize crashes when switching to a clip with different sample rate with the processor UI open * Fixed: DeNoise & DeNoise Light doesn't update frequency scales when switching to a clip with different sample rate * Improved: Smoother looking selection geometries generated by the brush tool * Fixed: Ensure time selection after undoing time-frequency region operation * Added: Drag and drop reordering of tracks in multitrack sessions * Fixed: ID3 tags preventing MP3 files from loading in Media Player in Windows 7 * Fixed: Changing track heights in multitrack sessions not always working. * Added: Show automation levels when moving curve points * Fixed: Keep last selection tool when returning to spectrogram mode * Fixed: Possible freeze in FLAC decoder (extremely rare) * Added: Persistent file export settings in Cleaning Wizard * Fixed: Batch Wizard encoder settings have no effect * Added: Persistent batch processing settings * Added: Mono compatibility check button in Processing Chain and Multitrack Session Master pane * Added: Expand selection to zero crossings * Fixed: Time display should show current cursor position when audio isn't playing * Added: Add track number meta data support * Added (help): Describe 'Statistics' command * Added (help): Describe color palettes in analysis settings * Added (help): Describe processor preview controls * Fixed: Zoom buttons and zoom menu commands should zoom in around cursor position * Added: Add setting for maximum plug-in validation time (necessary for Waves shell) * Fixed: DeNoise noise profile estimation resets when looping audio * Fixed: Error in MapScale potentially causing out-of-bounds memory reads * Fixed: Tab close button not always responding to clicks when highlighted * Fixed: Zoom range tool not working in waveform view * Added: Adjust magnitude range directly from scale indication * Added: Add "Eject when finished" checkbox to CD burn dialog * Added: Make Dynamics and Multiband Dynamics available for the aux send. * Added: Color palette options in Spectrogram, Wavelet and Spectral Histogram * Fixed: Length of loop crossfading should be limited by length of audio available before the loop starting point * Fixed: Selecting output file format in Cleaning Wizard's file export page has no effect * Fixed: Waveform visualization doesn't update after closing the VST editor window from certain plug-ins * Added: File open dialog should have "All supported files" option * Fixed: Possible crash when right clicking in empty waveform views * Fixed: Incorrect block size reported to plug-ins when applying to files with 96 kHz sample rate or higher (mostly AU plug-ins affected) * Fixed: Undo not possible after removing anchor per drag & drop * Fixed: Incorrect command names in undo stack when using Cut and Delete with time-frequency selections * Fixed: Delete command with time frequency selection results in two commands (Delete > Mute) in undo stack * Improved: Statistics window now contain file name in window title * Fixed: DeHum frequency indicators not updated without audio playing * Fixed: DeHum sensitivity knob has no effect * Fixed: Invert toggle not set when reopening "Volume" processing tool * Fixed: Crash when loading plug-in chain files containing certain plug-ins * Fixed: Incorrect ID3 Tag header size in exported MP3 files * Fixed (Windows only): Plug-in Windows too big when opened from Processing Chain and using DPI scaling * Fixed: Unable to load processing chain files with some rare combinations of processors * Fixed: View range not validated after sample rate conversions. * Improved: Sample rate conversion accuracy and speed 7.0.41: * Fixed: Memory leak in Cleaning Wizard which also prevents deletion of temporary files * Fixed: Crash when trying to open a plug-in that can no longer be instantiated * Fixed: Loading chain and session files fails when a plug-in is unavailable * Fixed: Audio I/O channel map editor appears behind recording window when opening device settings from recording window and clicking the channel map button on Mac * Fixed (Mac only): Errors in ID3 tags parsing and Wave64 text encoding and decoding * Fixed: Pad length error in Wave64 encoder * Fixed: Audio preview button doesn't work for mp3 and AAC files * Added: Cursor position indicator in top navigator * Added: Separate conversion toggles for sample rate and channel format in batch processor * Added: ID3 picture support (album artwork, etc.) * Added: Playback scroll mode selection in Preferences (General tab) * Added: Optional auto-close after clicking "Process" in tool windows * Added: Click middle mouse button on tabs to close documents * Changed: Adding processing tools to chain automatically opens UI editor * Added: Allow automatic import of multiple stems across tracks in one go * Added: Indicate samples values as well as reconstructed waveform with high zoom factors * Fixed: Loop toggle button has no effect during playback. * Fixed: Renamed "Play selection" to "Play from cursor" * Added: Video format support for m4v files * Added: Video format support for mov, mpg, mpeg and wmv files (Windows only) * Added: Optional downscaling of low levels in Level Meter. * Improved: Contrasted colours in DeClip UI * Added: Snap to default value in curve editors * Added: Save and load workspace layouts * Fixed: Rare crashes when the Statistics window opened * Fixed: Thread synchronization issues in BaseAudioProcessor (crashes during preview start and stop in extremenly rare cases) * Fixed: Undo / redo in Volume Curve Editor * Fixed: Improved translations and fixed typos in English * Fixed: Cut and copy should be disabled when there's no selection * Fixed: Memory leak in Statistics Viewer which also prevents deletion of temporary files * Fixed: Memory leak in noise analysis task (Noise Analysis and Automatic DeNoise commands) which also prevents deletion of temporary files * Fixed: Selecting the whole recording and deleting leaves zero signal with same length * Fixed: Analyzer pane toggles don't always work * Improved: Handling of default audio settings * Fixed: Playhead offset when using processors with high latency in processing chain * Fixed: Reordering of multiple tracks per drag and drop in CD projects * Fixed: Timer record window's cancel button incorrectly started the timer record * Fixed: Timer record level detection should use absolute maximum value for peak detection * Fixed: Crash when clicking play button in CD project without a selected track * Added: Drag and drop reordering of CD tracks * Fixed: Drag and drop in processing chain crashes when dragging an element out of the chain and releasing the mouse button 7.0.35: * Fixed: Crash when opening automation curve chooser in multitrack sessions on some computers (rare) * Fixed: Level meters sometimes inactive after undo in multitrack sessions * Fixed: Rare crashes when clicking edge of clips while importing or time stretching * Fixed: Incorrect default selection after activating Retouch tool in multichannel files * Fixed: Incorrect German translation strings * Fixed: Byte Order Mark (BOM) should be stripped in UTF8 when importing ID3 tags * Fixed: Random crashes when using retouch tool on multichannel files * Fixed: Playback locked after applying processing chain while audio playback is active * Fixed: Incorrect start offset when using loop tool on left clip edge * Fixed: Clip visualization not always updated after importing or processing clip * Fixed: Crash when applying processing chain containing certain AU plug-ins * Fixed: Crash when time stretching recorded clips in multitrack sessions * Fixed: Some OS X native UI elements appear in German when having English as UI language 7.0.29: * Added: Multi-lingual support. Currently avaiable localizations are English (US) and German (DE) * Added: File playback in Media File Browser * Fixed: Memory leaks in FlacDecoder * Fixed: Memory leaks in FlacEncoder * Fixed: Memory leaks in OggVorbisDecoder * Fixed: Looping not working when previewing in "Fade" tool * Fixed: Looping not working when previewing in "Volume Curve" tool * Fixed: Time-frequency selections aren't played in loop (silence after first play) * Fixed: Latency compensation not working properly in Batch Processor * Added: "View all vertically" command and renamed "View all" to "View all horizontally" * Fixed: Retouch tool shifts anchors after selection * Improved: Expand the hit test rectangle for the exit buttons in the document tabs * Improved: Expand amplitude range in signal generator * Fixed: Click and hold vertical scrolling in spectral editing mode with logarithmic view fails * Fixed (Mac only): Incorrectly displayed Unicode file names (precomposed unicode conversion) * Fixed: True peak and sample peak normalization disregard negative peaks * Fixed: Processing MP3 files in Batch Processor with two-pass tools such as Normalize or DC offset correction resulted in zero signal files * Fixed: Remove multitrack session commands with no effect: moveCursorToSelectionBegin, moveCursorToSelectionEnd, viewSelection, playLooped, editClips * Fixed: Scaling issue in spectrum analysis tools resulting in read-outs being 6 dB too low 7.0.24: * Fixed: Rare crash when processing time-frequency regions with processors using fixed block sizes. * Improved: Reduce hop size in filtering processor (better time resolution) * Improved: Magic wand tool should look for highest peak around selection point * Added: Multi-select in OS X file open dialogs * Added: ID3 tag import (v1, v2.3 and v2.4) * Fixed: Misaligned magic wand at very high zoom factors * Fixed: Track list not updated in Cleaning Wizard when adding new tracks * Fixed: Zoom bar not updated in Cleaning Wizard when adding new tracks * Fixed: Recorded audio should be added at end of clip in Cleaning Wizard * Fixed: Track split detection should only be performed the first time when recording audio in Cleaning Wizard * Fixed: Misplaced anchors after inserting audio file * Added: Remember last "Export Regions" folder * Fixed: Anchors misplaced after saving regions to file or selection to file * Fixed: Save command looses resolution setting after "Save as" command * Fixed: Anchor placement shifts when working with mono files and automatic splice-declick activated * Changed: Switch from "+" to arrow down symbol for tab window dropdown * Fixed: Changed shortcuts for changing active document to Alt+Tab and Alt+Tab+Shift on Mac since Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab are consumed by OS X * Fixed: Master and Aux volume controls have no effect in multitrack sessions * Fixed: Labels added during record were placed at incorrect locations unless recording was inserted at start of clip * Added: ID3 and VBR header support for MP3 export * Fixed: Microsoft Pen -- strange behaviour when selecting in one channel and then in another (selection brush) * Fixed: Avoid zero sized view when using zoom tool * Added: Shortcuts for spectral view selection modes * Added: Sample format re-tagging in Convert Sample Format * Added: Remember last multitrack session properties * Fixed: Incorrect anchor shifts after overwrite paste * Fixed: Overwrite paste requiring channel format conversion added silence if clipboard content was shorter than the selection * Fixed: Drag & drap doesn't work with de-selected channels * Added: Persistent offline analyzer settings * Fixed: Errors in EnvelopeEncoder causing misaligned waveforms in multitrack sessions * Fixed: Incorrect time ruler in multitrack sessions for certain sample rates * Fixed: FLAC encoder should default to 24 bit for 32 bit source files * Added: "Save selection as" to the clip editor context menu * Added: Remember last save chain / load chain directories * Fixed: Contiguous channel selections with Ctrl allows complete channel de-selection * Fixed: Incorrect parsing of application data chunk in AIFF decoder that prevented AIFF files from being loaded in rare cases. * Fixed: Potential crash during playback when current playback position beyond end of playback range. * Fixed: Continue playing after dragging playhead if originally playing * Fixed: Loop indicators in multitrack sessions are drawn incorrectly when clip bounds are outside view bounds * Fixed: Alt+click to select during playback in multitrack sessions * Fixed: Shift + End / Home for empty selections * Fixed: Incorrect pad length in WaveEncoder * Changed: Moved "View Statistics" to Analysis menu * Fixed: Add toggle in Preferences ("General") for looped playback in Processing Chain * Added: Click in time ruler should move play head * Fixed: Zero line appears in other channel pane * Added: Loop toggle button to toolbar * Fixed: Random crash when adjusting loop range in clip editor while preview in the loop tuner * Fixed: Error in loop crossfade functions * Fixed: Exiting loop when clicking the mouse during playback. * Fixed: The looped playback range should start at selection and not at the initial playhead position * Added: Pressing alt key during playback allows selection (as when playback is stopped) * Fixed: Auto-select all on empty selection in spectrogram, wavelet and spectral histogram analysis tools * Added: Add file name and time range to analysis window titles * Added: Add "P" shortcut for pause * Added: Shift Home / End keyboard shortcuts should expand selection * Fixed: Automatic Splice DeClick should be persistent. * Fixed: Selection not updated delete command 7.0.19: * Fixed: DeNoise Light only effective in preview mode * Fixed: Ctrl+F4 shortcut doesn't show save prompt * Fixed: Spectrum analysis curve not updated after re-calculation * Fixed: Rare crashes when saving files with anchor data after choosing yes in save prompt 7.0.18: * Fixed: Rare loss of user settings when trying to open two instances of Acoustica and then force quitting the remaining instance * Fixed: The vertical axis in the Spectrogram Analysis tool always has a linear frequency scale regardless of the selected mapping * Fixed: Frame title can appear outside of screen if the plug-in editor window is too big * Fixed: Increased maximum plug-in scan time from 5 to 30 seconds to support slow loading plug-ins * Added: Click on zoom scrollbar background moves view to click point * Fixed: Rare crash when zooming in horizontally to the max while having anchors * Fixed: Parameter recall could move delay taps in "Echo" effect * Added: Sort options for label and region lists * Added: Remember encoder settings when closing application * Added: Clip editor view settings stored when closing application * Added: Waveform view settings * Added: Optional indication of illegal value range in clip editor * Added: Optional zero line in clip editor * Added: Optional selection grid in clip editor * Added: Amplitude range, minimum frequency and drop rate settings to realtime spectrum analyzer * Added: Remember analyzer settings when closing application * Added: Remember last settings in "Insert Silence" * Added: Remember last format settings * Added: Multi-select in file open dialog * Added: Remember separate "Save as" and "Open" audio folders * Fixed: Clip editor recovery files don't include labels, regions and meta data * Added: Remember last processor and plug-in settings * Fixed: Play cursor moves when editing automation points in multitrack sessions * Added: Selection with shift and arrow keys in clip editor * Fixed: Applying processing to empty selections should process whole file, but doesn't always work * Fixed: Label text partially hidden when moving labels * Fixed: Labels cannot be moved to the right of the original position * Improved: Black text for selected items in the label and region lists (readability) * Fixed: Random crashes when trying to open a file with a non-existent temporary folder * Fixed: Device settings dialog appears behind recording window on Mac * Fixed: Inconsistent tooltips in Equalize and Equalize Light * Fixed: It is possible to start the plug-in scan process several times leading to incorrect scan results * Fixed: RIFF padding error makes it impossible to load certain .wav files * Fixed: Timer record didn't auto-stop when the recording start was triggered by timer * Fixed: Playback stops when other document is closed * Fixed: Cursor placement of "inactive" file has influence on playhead position of "active" file * Fixed: Playback stops when switching active document * Fixed: Channel format selection in the batch processor doesn't work properly * Fixed: Crash when changing export options when exporting audio from multitrack sessions * Added: Tooltips to Dynamics * Fixed: Possible glitches when recording due to an error in the recording FIFO queue * Fixed: Thread synchronization error causes rare crashes when starting playback * Fixed: CD device remained locked after track import 7.0.10 * Fixed: Lost keyboard focus (inactive keyboard shortcuts) after clicking the main window title * Fixed: Playback silent when clicking processes in apply window during previewing and then starting ordinary playback. * Fixed: FLAC encoder error when signal exceeded the valid value range [-1 to 1] * Fixed: File > Save in clip editor disregards file property settings ("Save As" not affected) * Added: "Play through Processing Chain" menu entry with keyboard shortcut (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar) * Fixed: Volume curve not working when changing the time range before clicking the process button * Fixed: Custom data elements not stored in processor chains (affected recall of DeNoise, Convolve and Volume Curve) * Fixed: Corrupted processing when applying processor twice (while the first is still running) * Added: Spacebar now toggles preview in apply processor window * Added: Return key now starts processing in apply processor window (unless other UI component is active) * Added: Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab shortcuts to switch active document * Fixed: Crash when applying to audio file that has been closed * Added: Open processor windows now apply to the current active document * Fixed: Bypass state has no effect when stopping and restarting preview * Fixed: Fixed sample rate update in Equalize and Equalize Light UIs * Added: Loading and saving of processing chain files in batch processor and cleaning wizard (right click) * Fixed: Last opened file list reversed when closing application * Fixed: Remove DC Offset crashes in processing chain when trying to open editor * Fixed: Offset in waveplot (when loading from peak envelope files) after multiple edits * Fixed: Fixed infinite values in limiter due to bug in IPP's sqrt functions on denormal input values. * Fixed: Random crashes when editing very quickly in spectral mode (several tasks in queue) 7.0.5 * Added: Additional keyboard shortcuts * Fixed: Switches to Cmd+W shortcut for "close tab" on Mac * Added: Tooltips to previous and next selection / view buttons below the clip editor * Fixed: Select previous command had no effect * Added: Select next command * Fixed: Duration changed when processing whole clip with auto declick enabled * Fixed: Missing 8-byte padding in Wave64 decoding causing problem loading certain W64 files * Fixed: Crash when closing and reopening Cleaning Wizard with no CD recorder device present * Fixed: Crash in older version of OS X when applying processors to time-frequency selections in the spectral editor * Fixed: Toolbar buttons not updated when closing all tabs and the lose changes prompt appeared * Fixed: Empty path string in the VST search path editor 7.0.4 * Added: LAME MP3 export on Windows and Mac with additional quality settings * Fixed: Unable to load files larger than 4 GB on Windows due to incorrect file existence check (regardless of file format) * Fixed: WMA and AAC encoding didn't work on Windows 7 * Fixed: Unable to load W64 files with data chunk larger than 4 GB * Fixed: Settings windows appeared behind Analysis window on Mac * Fixed: Closing analysis settings windows prior to analysis window caused crash on Mac * Fixed: VST search directory editor did not close along with audio plug-in manager on Mac 7.0.2 * Fixed: Changing resolution in Encoder settings when choosing "Save As..." had no effect * Fixed: Keyboard focus lost after clicking on toolbar 7.0.1 Initial release