Baby Teeth: Care Instructions


When the baby has its first teeth coming in – it often means that the parents will have some sleepless nights. After all, this process is sometimes accompanied by increased capriciousness of the baby, and sometimes even negatively affects his well-being. Why does this happen? We will tell you everything that parents need to know about the teeth of their babies.

Let’s start with the fact that milk teeth are not taken seriously by many parents. There is an opinion that it is not necessary to care for them, because they will fall out, and there is no sense in treating them, it is easier to pull them out. In fact, this is a big mistake, and the importance of milk teeth is difficult to overestimate. After all, it is the health and proper development of milk teeth that guarantee the health of their permanent “changers”.

When to Wait for the First Tooth

The eruption of the first teeth on average begins after six months. But, since these terms are averaged, you should not worry if the first tooth appears later – this is just one of the variants of the norm, which is most likely due to genetic predisposition. The first teeth will appear on the lower jaw – the two lower incisors. Behind them, with an interval of about a month or two, incisors appear on the upper jaw.

Most often, the change to permanent teeth begins at the age of 4-6 years. But there are no clear time frames for this. But on the other hand, changing teeth, unlike teething, almost never causes problems and does not affect the child’s well-being.

It happens that the first teeth do not fall out on time. In this case, a pediatric dentist will have to remove the resistant milk tooth. If this is not done, it can prevent the correct position and growth of permanent teeth.

How to Facilitate the Process of Teething

For many parents, the appearance of the first tooth in their baby becomes an absolute surprise when the process ends up being painless. But for many children, their moms, dads, and other relatives, teething becomes perhaps the most difficult stage in the life of a baby.

At the moment when their teeth are coming in many children become moody, eat and sleep badly, and become restless. In such situation parents must consult pediatric dentist to avoid major dental problems, one can visit pediatric dentist in cypress tx for best pediatric dental care.You can facilitate this process with the help of special rings – teethers, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. In case of strong anxiety, pediatricians recommend using special gels that cool and anesthetize the baby’s gums and also suppress the inflammatory process in the gums.

However, if during teething, problems appear with the digestion or high temperature, consult a pediatrician. Such symptoms may be associated not with teething, but with dangerous infectious or viral diseases!

Baby Teeth Care

Teeth care begins when the baby has the first tooth. Of course, the proud owner of two lower teeth doesn’t need a brush. Until the baby has at least 4 teeth, it is enough after each feeding to wipe the mouth with ordinary cloth napkin dipped in clean water or with a special brush with a rubber tip.

Usually, at the age of 12 months, the baby already has eight teeth. This age is ideal to start teaching your baby how to take care of its teeth. Buy a special baby brush with soft villi, and a special baby paste. And spend the morning and evening performing oral hygiene together – looking at you, the baby learns to care for their teeth.

Pay attention to the fact that the baby does not use ordinary toothpaste, especially with whitening effects. Their composition may include components that are harmful to the fragile and weak enamel of milk teeth. At first, you should help your child use a brush, and only after making sure that the baby is doing everything correctly, you can entrust the execution of this operation to him or her.

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Article Author Details

Amelia Grant

I am Amelia Grant, journalist, and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better. That is why I feel a strong intention to share useful and important things about health self-care, wellness and other advice that may be helpful for people.