Fia, she/her, 40s. Semi-realistic and highly impractical content for Sims 2. WCIF friendly. Follows from mrs-mquve.

Not active here for the time being. New CC will be posted on my Dreamwidth and Pillowfort.

No requests, please.


Raon M07 3t2
(shown in Nesert (M) and Fission (F))
M & F / All Ages / Polycount: 14804
3t2 conversion & retexture by Trapping
Textures by Pooklet

This is just a straight-up recolor of Trapping’s original, because the main part of the hair couldn’t be retextured using the usual methods - it’d require hand-painting which is beyond my skill to do. It comes in the colors I always do except Dynamite, Depth Charge, Volatile, Pyrotechnic, and Mail Bomb. If you’d like those you need to download Trapping’s files here.

DOWNLOAD Raon M07 3t2 (M) | Angles
DOWNLOAD Raon M07 3t2 (F) | Angles

SynapticSim Scalp Cap Accessory
(shown in Rei (M) and Powder Cake (F))
M & F / Young Adult-Elder
Textures by Io

This is an accessory that can be worn alone over the Maxis bald head or under a hair to fill in gaps. I did it in the same 46 colors I use for hair.

DOWNLOAD SynapticSim Scalp Cap Accessory (M) | Angles
DOWNLOAD SynapticSim Scalp Cap Accessory (F) | Angles

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