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forthebadge forthebadge

Remark of 2022

This repo contains a lot of smelly solutions I've made two years ago. I'd like to completely refactor it but it's too late: the game is dead literally, and I don't have any motivation to loose my time working on this project again.

The remainder of this document is left as is.

Project content

Dependency graph

dependency graph

3rd-party data

Half-Life 1 SDK

SDK for the GoldSource engine games. Originally intended for HL1, CS 1.6 and associated games. In fact CSN:S is based on CS:CZ engine (modified version of GoldSource), also most of SDK structures was modified by Nexon, but this SDK still may be used with CSN:S. SDK contained in this solution is partially reconstructed (using reverse-engineering) and ready to use with CSN:S. Authors of reconstruction: Shatilova, h4rdee, and JusicP.


  • Duplicate files inside different directories deleted.
  • Obviously deprecated stuff deleted.
  • New functions inside efx_api_s and IPanel found. Their purpose is unknown.
  • New fields found inside hud_player_info_s, cl_entity_s, clientdata_s, playermove_s, weapon_data_s. Purpose of most of them is unknown.
  • cl_enginefuncs_s is partially recontructed:
    1. There are a lot of new functions that return pointers to new ingame classes instances. Some of these functions are named, some are not.
    2. There are client-table functions callbacks. Unlike the corresponding client-table function, callback doesn't take any arguments, and always return 'int'. I've no idea about initial purpose of these callbacks, but probably it was a part of client-table functions protection.
  • enginefuncs_s is partially reconstructed: it also contains many new functions that return pointers to new ingame classes instances. Some of these functions are named, some are not.
  • r_studio_interface_s contains two new funtions:
    1. StudioDrawShopModel - invoked when player is drawn in Inventory/Game Shop tabs. I remember I found there is some mutable data on function stack that can be modified to change player costumes (visual only, of course), but I lost any information about it.
    2. Unknown function that is invoked every game frame. Should be researched. Also we can obtain pointer to 'StudioModelRenderer' instance by offset of that function: (DWORD)((DWORD)((DWORD)r_studio_interface_s::Unknown + 0x1))
  • Copy-constructor and copy-assignment operator are defined for the following structures: cl_enginefuncs_s, engine_studio_api_s, r_studio_interface_s, cl_clientfuncs_s.
  • Added two structures: client_state_s and client_static_s. Both of them have undergone major changes. client_state_s is still changed while big game updates. I wasn't interested in reconstructing it, so I just hidden unknown areas under comments.
  • entity_state_s has weaponpainttype field that stores information about paint type of current weapon.

The following structures most certainly haven't changed: con_nprint_s, cvar_s, dlight_t, event_hook_t, screenfade_s, SCREENINFO_s, xcommand_t, local_state_s, engine_studio_api_s, TUserMsg, IGameConsole, kbutton_s.


Cross-platform open-source C/C++ extension loading library.


Open Source, multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Vulkan application development.


Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies. The library was supplemented with a new widget - HotKey. Code of widget is taken from the Internet. Original author of that widget is unknown.

Anti Reverse-Engineering module

Set of techniques to prevent debugging and reverse-engineering your application. Original author is Joshua Jackson. Modified by me.

VMT Hook

Small piece of code to hook VMT. Original author is unknown.


Simple libraries of my production.

Easy Packer

Cross-platform library to process files and glue them into one binary file, and vice versa. Features:

  • Glue files into binary file
  • Load files to memory as raw bytes (includes basic file information like filename and size)
  • Unpack files
  • Unpack files to memory as raw bytes (includes basic file information like filename and size)

Allows you to change magic number and extension of binary file.


Library to get unique ID of machine. All techniques are taken from the Internet. Using of all included techniques can guarantee strong HWID that's not easy to change unintentionally or specially

SoftON Socket

Specific library that implements socket-client with simple encryption of transferred data. You can read more about client-server relationship below.

Main projects

File Packer

Console application to pack files into *.dat binary files. Application must be placed to directory with files to pack.

file packer


The cheat itself.

dll dll2 dll3


The cheat loader that receives data-files contain images and font used by loader & dll, then receives dll from server, and injects it to the game.


Client-Server relationship


Firstly client-server uses two methods to protect transferred data:


There are two keys 20 characters long: static and dynamic.

  • Static key is known to both client and server. It's used by client to encrypt data already encrypted with dynamic key, and used by server to decrypt doubly-encrypted data.
  • Dynamic key is generated by client every time client sends data to server. That key is sent to the server together with encrypted data.


Server generates key that's used for reversible shuffle algorithm. That key is sent to the client for shuffle data back.


Sending data to the server (data is sent to the server is always encrypted, not shuffled)

  1. Dynamic key is generated
  2. Data to transfer is encrypted with dynamic key
  3. Encrypted data is concatenated with dynamic key
  4. The resulting data is encrypted with static key
  5. Doubly-encrypted data is sent to the server

Receiving data from the client

  1. Received doubly-encrypted data is decrypted with static key
  2. Since key length is static, dynamic key is just separated from data
  3. Encrypted with dynamic key data is decrypted with dynamic key
  4. Decrypted data is processed

Sending data to the client (for example, let's send shuffled data)

  1. The random key for shuffling is generated
  2. Header of transferring data is built
  3. Header is encrypted with dynamic key (that received from client)
  4. Header is sent to client
  5. The data to send is shuffled with generated random key
  6. The data is sent to client

Receiving data from the server (for example, let's receive shuffled data)

  1. The data header is received and decrypted with dynamic key
  2. The random key is extracted from decrypted header
  3. The data is received and deshuffled with random key
  4. The data is processed

Project structure

  • client
    • anti-re, easy-hwid, easy-packer, softon-socket - libraries projects that are used by main projects
    • dll, file-packer, loader - main projects
    • assets - unpacked files are used by loader/dll
    • bin - built main projects
    • build - object files
    • lib - built libraries
  • images - directory contains images that's used by this README file
  • server
    • *.py - server source code
    • dll.dll - the cheat itself
    • softon_into.txt - text that's displayed in a 'Hack Info' field of the loader
    • softon_cmd_history.log - log contains information about any changes of users database
    • Loader.dat - data-file with files used by loader
    • SoftON.dat - data-file with files used by dll
    • users_info.sqlite - users database

Usage guide

Using local server

  • Build the solution using MSVS19 or higher (C++17 Standard is required)
  • Create data-files for loader and dll using file-packer.exe from client/bin/ (files names are Loader and SoftON respectively)
  • Place created data-files to server/
  • Place dll.dll from client/bin/ to server/
  • Run from server/
  • Run the game
  • Run the loader.exe from client/bin/
  • Press Inject once, so look at server console. There is message about requesting for a cheat
  • Add youself to the database using add command
  • Press Inject again

Using VPS

  • Change IP and PORT constants inside main.cpp of loader project, and main.cpp of dll project, to IP and port of your VPS
  • Build the solution using MSVS19 or higher (C++17 Standard is required)
  • Change IP and PORT constants inside from server/ to IP and port of your VPS
  • Place everything from server/ to your VPS
  • Create data-files for loader and dll using file-packer.exe from client/bin/ (files names are Loader and SoftON respectively)
  • Place created data-files to your VPS
  • Place dll.dll from client/bin/ to your VPS
  • Run from your VPS
  • Run the game
  • Run the loader.exe from client/bin/
  • Press Inject once, so look at server console. There is message about requesting for a cheat
  • Add youself to the database using add command
  • Press Inject again

Without any server

  • Comment AuthServer function invoke inside main.cpp of dll project
  • Build the solution using MSVS19 or higher (C++17 Standard is required)
  • Create data-file for the dll using file-packer.exe from client/bin/ (file's name is SoftON)
  • Place created data-file to .../AppData/Roaming/SoftON (make the SoftON folder if it doesn't exists)
  • Run the game
  • Run any injector you would like to use, and inject dll.dll from client/bin/


SoftON Hack is an internal Ring3 cheat for Free2Play MMOFPS game (x86) - CSN:S (ex. CSN:Z)








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