Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter One)

This is a story about my uncle and aunt. And guess what? They're both called Pat!

Текст для 5-го класса-Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter One)

Last year, Mum and Dad agreed I'd stay with Uncle-and-Auntie Pat during the summer holidays.

Текст для 5-го класса-Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter One)

Uncle-and-Auntie Pat live at Wishing Well Farm, way out of town. It isn't an easy place to find. Dad must have driven straight past without realising.

Текст для 5-го класса-Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter One)

Before long, we were completely lost, and had to ask the way.

Текст для 5-го класса-Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter One)

We followed the man's long list of directions. We drove through one village...

Текст для 5-го класса-Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter One)

...and then another...

Текст для 5-го класса-Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter One)

...over two bridges...

Текст для 5-го класса-Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter One)

...past a huge out-of-town superstore...

Текст для 5-го класса-Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter One)

...and down a twisty lane.

Текст для 5-го класса-Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter One)

Finally we spotted a half-hidden broken sign.

Текст для 5-го класса-Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter One)

We drove up a muddy track, and found Uncle-and-Auntie Pat feeding the animals.

Текст для 5-го класса-Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter One)

"You managed to find us, then," said Uncle Pat.
"Only just!" muttered Dad.

Текст для 5-го класса-Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter One)

Everyone greeted each other, and then just as quickly, Mum and Dad were saying their goodbyes.

I stood and waved as their car disappeared down the dirt track.

Текст для 5-го класса-Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter One)


Wishing Well — колодец "Загадай желание"
Dad must have driven straight past without realising. — Должно быть, отец проехал мимо, не заметив.
huge — огромный
superstore — универмаг
twisty — извилистый
lane — узкая дорога
spot — разглядеть
half-hidden — наполовину скрытый
sign — знак, вывеска
muddy — грязный
track — проселочная дорога
mutter — ворчать
greet — приветствовать, здороваться
disappear — исчезать

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