
More sliders, plus my previous ear point slider, now with less bork!

New slider breakdown: there’s now a slider for a ear point for the side of the ear, rather than the top. Now you can make all sorts of elf ears! I also added two “smirk” sliders, one for each side of the mouth. Finally, there’s a slider for tooth size. Not sure if it’ll be super helpful for everyone, but if someone wants to, I don’t know, take out the Maxis teeth completely and add in new teeth accessories, they can now do that. IDK, mostly this slider was just made to see if teeth sliders could be made (yes, yes they can). Teeth and ears are available for all ages and genders, while the smirk is all ages except toddlers.

I also fixed the top ear slider. Now the icons look better, the most extreme right slided ear looks better, and kids and toddlers can now use the sliders. Woo!

Thanks to: Nopke, for making sliders A Thing, and Nysha for this tutorial!

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Posted 7 years ago with 601 notes
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Tagged: #lady banes sandbox #full face #pointy ears #mouth #slider
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