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Software, Windows
Native Instruments Kontakt 7 v7.5.0 WiN-bobdule screenshot
bobdule | 10 July 2023 | 633 MB
For 20 years, KONTAKT has been the backbone of countless film scores and pop hits, as well as thousands of incredible instruments from NI and your favorite NKS developers alike. Now, with a new HiDPI browsing experience, an overhauled Factory Library, new creative effects, and under-the-hood audio improvements, the next evolution is nearly here.

Thanks to bobdule for the supply


7.5.0 _ 2023-07-10
Lua API, new effects, browser improvements, builder features, bug fixes.
CHANGED Minimum supported macOS version is now 11.0
ADDED Seven new effects: Bite, Dirt, Freak, Raum, Twin Delay, Vibrato/Chorus, Wow/Flutter
IMPROVED Context menus now follow zoom scaling settings
IMPROVED Rendering quality of raster images in Native UI based instruments
IMPROVED MIDI files dragged out of Kontakt don’t have the copyright message anymore
IMPROVED NKG files are now visible in Files browser and also loadable or importable via double-click or drag and drop
IMPROVED Maximum number of host automation slots increased to 2048
FIXED Legato button did not work in any Tone/Time Machine mode except TMPro
FIXED Clicking on virtual keyboard when Kontakt was in Single view did not respect the MIDI channel setting of multiple loaded instruments
ADDED A button for loading the first preset directly from the instrument tile
ADDED Filtering by brand
ADDED Filtering by sub-bank
ADDED User-authored presets can now have sound and character type metadata edited in bulk via multi-selection
ADDED Warning dialog with a list of files that failed to import
FIXED Scroll position is set to zero when the result list is resized
FIXED Resizing the window no longer resets the result list selection
FIXED Folders beginning with "-" can now be imported
FIXED Content type does not update with the focused module slot
ADDED Kontakt Lua API, enabled through the new Developer panel in Options dialog
ADDED Various options for showing or hiding incoming, script generated and ignored events in Mapping Editor
ADDED Source module’s playback mode can now be retrieved with $ENGINE_PAR_SOURCE_MODE getter
ADDED Option to snap sample start/end to zero crossings in Wave Editor
ADDED Option to copy sample end setting to all selected zones in Wave Editor
ADDED “continue” statement is now available in KSP
ADDED Real arrays can now be stored to and loaded from NKA files
ADDED Selection state of a zone can now be queried with $ZONE_PAR_SELECTED zone parameter, and a list of all currently selected zones can be retrieved with get_sel_zones_idx() command
ADDED set_map_editor_event_color() KSP command, which allows changing color of script-generated events in Mapping Editor, individually per script slot
IMPROVED Snap to value or zero crossing options in Wave Editor are now retained per instrument, rather than per zone
IMPROVED Internal modulator and modulation target KSP information is now always shown if Developer Options checkbox is enabled
IMPROVED TMPro polyphony can now be set to 0 via KSP, in order to match the range of the related parameters in Instrument Options->Voice Handling dialog
IMPROVED Snapshot files (.NKSN) can now be loaded from the File->Load… dialog
IMPROVED Reorganized Mapping and Group Editor context menus
IMPROVED Reorganized effect selection context menu
FIXED Boolean “not” operator would not correctly invert a boolean expression that consisted of only literals or constants
FIXED Function call stack would collapse entirely if “exit” statement was used at the beginning of user defined functions, rather than only exiting the currently called functionToda

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  Member 29.05.2015 799
cos'è quel debrider? a cosa serve?
  Resident 17.06.2016 1 736
questa è una versione lite della patch, che utilizzerà una licenza.
it 's a light version of the fix, that will use a license for kontakt.

it also use "search and replace" instead of "offset patching"
various versions instead of only the matching one.
  Contributor 3.05.2011 674 4704
NI pushing the numbers. WIth that speed we have soon Kontakt 10.
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Member 3.08.2015 191
What's going on on N.I. ? this nearly daily updates it's a bit odd.
  Resident 31.01.2017 605
Meanwhile, big library developers have already moved on to their own engine.
  Moderator 21.01.2012 2370 16089
Which is good given the actual NI policy.
  Resident 20.05.2016 515 168
quote by jazzzzMeanwhile, big library developers have already moved on to their own engine.

Don't worry; i feel like, there will be more Teams, in the future, to counter each and every Devs, one by one

Fingers Crossed
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. - Bob Marley
  Resident 31.01.2017 605
but are those engines comparable performancewise?

  Resident 17.06.2016 1 736
3 update in a week is like beta testing. 2 minor, 1 major.
that why i focus on generic patching, but it is not allways working as here with 7.5.

the clubing debrider song is AI music from beatbot.
  Contributor 3.05.2011 674 4704
Or beta testing was not as productive as it should had been.
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Member 5.07.2017 92
got to download all 3 files? i got lost there
  Member 22.08.2021 33
I currently have an old R2R Kontakt installed.
What do I need to do, in order to switch to the bobdule versions?
  Member 31.03.2019 2 88
The Question is why you need to update?
If you installed the latest R2R Release (v7.4.0) and it works for you, just stay with the R2R Release.
  Member 22.08.2021 33
No, my question was a different one, initially.
  Resident 17.06.2016 1 736
patcher and debrider are to launch over a kontakt player install

the fisrt link is the full setup in a prepatched iso, (windows defender friendly)
others are unlock variable,
with integrated Kontakt button in the patcher (13 modifs),
separate button with debrid (6 modifs) and full iso (10 modifs).

the debrid mode use a matching license. it is a minimal fix variable for library options.
it can be used to hack the R2R versions. simply use 7.x.x for older and 7.5.x for the new to get it matching.

NI changed a few the global activation part that "search and replace" old patching don't find in the new build.
  Banned 9.07.2023 56
so just the first link will be enough, right?
  Member 4.08.2019 21
It runs in demo mode for me, after installing kontakt player and then patcher. What am I missing?
  Banned 9.07.2023 56
Runs in demo, why is nobody helping
  Resident 27.07.2014 5 441
Why don't you fix it yourself?
There is no knowledge that is not power.
  Resident 10.05.2018 12 499
I don’t have time to play it. I am still updating…
  Member 16.01.2022 106
Installed the patched Iso Version over the previous Version, works like a charme.
  Resident 21.09.2015 267
Is it worth updating from v7.40 to v7.50?
  Member 14.12.2014 322
Is it just installing the 32bit vts3 and not the 64bit? anybody?
  Member 14.07.2023 1 6
Hi, Some commercial libraries show as Demo and even some old programs made by myself. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
  Resident 17.06.2016 1 736
check if you have a ras2 registration with keygened serials. they may no more be compatible and can disturb the registration.

the old way SNO KEY SYSTEMID is no more necessary since K6 is out.

try to clean this part...
used for legit serial number.

all unlegit stuff can be deleted from here.there is also nicnt maker residual wrong location that can be deleted.

if you want to use the R2R Kontakt library Manager instead.
simply add UPID HU JDX value to your home made nicnt.



all with zero works, use the same number of caracters, that's all.

you can choose not generating license for their tool.

EnableKeygenFunction = 0

also check if you have a Service Center folder at
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

because a call is done to build the NKS menu
without it, nothing is activated and the new library remain empty.
it was bypassed in 6 (under 6.8) but can't be cut in 7 to not break the functionnallity.
  Resident 21.05.2013 1 302
Is version 7.5 fully resizable and does it support Hdpi for large monitors?
Fake people have an image to maintain_Real people don't give a shit.
  Resident 17.06.2016 1 736
it was officially introduced in 7.4

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