Looking for a top PR agency that can enhance your brand’s online presence and credibility? Look no further! VHP provides unparalleled services that will take your brand to new heights.
Our Press Release Services

Your News, Our Expertise: Get Noticed, Get Coverage

Captivate your audience, boost your brand, and create headlines with Vanilla Heart Publishing, the superior press announcement service, putting your news in the limelight. We are here to convert your message into a powerful narrative that resonates with media platforms, influencers, and readers worldwide.

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  • Super-Fast

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Press Release

Amplify Your Brand's Voice

VHP recognizes that your stories are more than just declarations – they're your brand's pulse, and we're here to intensify their rhythm. With our ensemble of talented writers and media gurus, your message will ascend to new heights, leaving an enduring impression on journalists, influencers, and readers worldwide.

Create & Send Press Releases. Secure
Press Coverage.

Join the growing list of small businesses, organisations, charities, digital agencies and more
securing amazing press coverage using Briefly.

Send Press Releases

Social media is a critical component of a digital marketing strategy. Our social media marketing team can create a strong online presence for your brand. Moreover, we can develop a social media strategy that aligns with your business goals and the target audience.

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Press Release Writing

Social media is a critical component of a digital marketing strategy. Our social media marketing team can create a strong online presence for your brand. Moreover, we can develop a social media strategy that aligns with your business goals and the target audience.

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Press Release Tools

Social media is a critical component of a digital marketing strategy. Our social media marketing team can create a strong online presence for your brand. Moreover, we can develop a social media strategy that aligns with your business goals and the target audience.

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Why Press Release Fire

An extensive brand management strategy involves more than a name, logo, product, or website. As a full-service brand strategy agency, we realize that a well-defined brand position strategy should occupy a distinctive place in consumers' minds. Knowing your voice and creating a solid foundation for long-term customer trust is critical. Unlike other brand strategy firms that offer simple solutions, we work with brands to realize their mission by establishing clear objectives for they want to do.

Drive Your
Business Growth

Brand Marketing Strategy

Ready to Amplify Your Brand?

Visualize the potential of having your news and stories featured across several trusted news platforms. With VHP's featured article service, we unlock access to an extensive platform network that covers various industries and niches.

How Our PR Writing Service Works

Our online portal makes it easy to start a new order. Answer a few simple questions about your business and target audience, and our team will take it from there.

  • An Account Manager will contact you to set up your online Zoom or Teams consultation
  • We’ll speak with you directly, listen to your story and gather the details we need to start writing
  • You’ll receive a draft of your press release to review – we don’t send it out until you’re happy
  • we’ll distribute your press release based industries, regions & media outlets you’ve selected
  • You’ll receive a full report following your press release distribution
Don’t stress about your next press release. Let PR Fire do the work for you.

How It Works

Our streamlined process makes it easy to get published

01.Consultation and Planning

Our process commences with an in-depth consultation to comprehend your goals, target audience, and key messaging. We'll closely work together to devise a captivating press announcement strategy that aligns with your objectives.

02. Writing and Editing

Our talented writers create an engaging press release that will resonate with journalists and readers. We make certain that it is concise, interesting, and newsworthy, integrating your input and revising until we have the ideal final draft.

03.Distribution and Outreach

Utilizing our broad network of media contacts and distribution channels, we'll ensure your news lands on the right audience's radar. We'll target relevant journalists, influencers, and media outlets, increasing the chances of media coverage and generating buzz around your brand.

04. Tracking and Reporting

We monitor the success of your press release, delivering complete information on media mentions, coverage, and engagement indicators. These insights provide a clear picture of your news impact, assisting in the evaluation of campaign performance and the development of future plans.

Let's Get The Conversation Started!

Publish On News Outlets Like USA Today, Fox, Market Watch, Benzinga, And Digital Journal.
Accepts Fewer Niches But Provides The Best Results.

Copyright © 2023 Vanilla Heart Publishing. All Rights Reserved.

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