Computer Calculators

CMYK To RGB Converter

Convert CMYK values into RGB values with our free online converter

Add your CMYK values

Result in RGB Values

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Table of contents

How to convert CMYK to RGB?
What are CMYK and RGB colors?
What is the difference between CMYK and RGB?
What are color models?

How to convert CMYK to RGB?

The easiest way to convert CMYK to RGB is to use our converter. Simply add your CMYK values, and our converter will give you the correct result in RGB values.
If you like to convert RGB to HEX, check out our RGB to HEX converter:
RGB to HEX Calculator

What are CMYK and RGB colors?

Both the RGB and CMYK are color modes that are used for mixing color in graphic design. While they can be commonly utilized for digital work, they are also used for printing.
It’s important to know the differences between the RGB and CMYK colors so that you can plan and optimize your design process.
Knowing the relationship between a particular color and a pigment can help you control how the final product will look. This is also beneficial for designers as it can help them predict how the final product will look.


CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key/Black) is the color space, which is used for printed materials.
A printing machine combines the colors of a given print with physical ink. The resulting images are then created by combining the various colors into one.
Here are some examples:
Blue: #0000FF
Yellow: #FFFF00
Black: #000000
Red: #FF0000
Check out the link below for more information about HEX colors
CMYK color mode

2) RGB

The RGB system is composed of three sets of colors, red, green, and blue, which can be combined in various proportions to obtain the desired color.
Here are some examples:
Yellow: (255,255,0)
Black: (0,0,0)
Blue: (0,0,255)
Red: (255,0,0)
Check out the link below for more colors and their RGB code:
What is RGB color

What is the difference between CMYK and RGB?

In digital communication, the use of RGB color model is commonly used for designing websites and television programs. In contrast, CMYK color mode is used for printing documents.
RGB is an additive color model, while CMYK is subtractive. RGB uses white as a combination of all primary colors and black as the absence of light. CMYK, on the other hand, uses white as the natural color of the print background and black as a combination of colored inks.
RGB is an additive color model, which blacks as the absence of light and white as a combination of all primary colors. The more color added to RGB, the lighter the result.
CMYK is a subtractive color model, which uses black as a combination of colored inks, and for the print background, it uses white as natural color.

What are color models?

A color model is an orderly method for creating a wide range of colors from a small number of primary colors. It uses two types of models, those that are additive and those that are subtractive.
There are many established color models. The most common is the RGB model, which is used for computer graphics and the CMYK model, which is used for printing.
In the RGB model, the overlapping of blue, green, and red causes the resulting subtractive colors to be yellow, cyan, and magenta.
Color modesl
John Cruz
Article author
John Cruz
John is a PhD student with a passion to mathematics and education. In his freetime John likes to go hiking and bicycling.
CMYK To RGB Converter English
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
In category Computer calculators
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