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Digital Angels

Bunch of sliders were shared today and during couple last days so I might as well throw these in the mix too. For now these’ll be the last ones I’ll post too.

Download sliders 

UPDATED May 29th 2022: Digi_Slider_EyeLowerLidStraighter was missing one icon in CAS, that has now been fixed. I also disabled the opposite side of the closed eyes and ear stretch sliders since nobody really needs one huge eye like that or wonky ear right? Also updated the icons for those to reflect this change.

To install just put them in your downloads folder and to uninstall just delete the files. 

One of the sliders is really close to slider Memento released but I decided that it’s different enough to include. For comparison (both are yanked to the end of the slider without any other slider touching the eye shape):


Want more sliders? There’s list of the ones I know exist by now:

Enjoy. :) (edit: fixed the link to crisps&kerosene’s sliders, it apparently broke at some point between writing and posting this >.<)

Posted on 13 April 2017, at 11.05pm, with 982 notes
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