Unbeatable SEO Packages & Pricing

Increase Your Organic Traffic By Ranking Your Website On First Page In SERPs

Get the best value for your money with our affordable SEO monthly packages. Digital X Press is a highly motivated team with 17 years of experience in this industry. We have worked on more than 100+ projects and getting the best organic results for our clients. Our goal is to make a successful business relationship with our clients by offering the best SEO service possible. We help you to boost Your online presence in search engines, Earn more qualified Leads and sales, and generate more revenue. 

We target the audience who are interested in your product or services and get the possible conversions with our on-page and off-page SEO strategy.
Our professional SEO experts are able to implement successful SEO marketing funnels to target the right customers and convert them into leads. We offer the best SEO packages that are affordable and include all necessary SEO tasks. Our aim is to boost keywords ranking by targeting informative keywords first, boosting brand awareness, creating informative and valuable, and user-friendly content, and avoiding confusing business jargon. Choose from our range of SEO packages tailored to fit your budget. Let’s discuss what should an SEO package include?



Meta Tags (Title & Description), Header Tags, Alt Tags, Upto 15 pages

  • Initial Review & Analysis
  • 10 Keywords
  • 25 hrs/Month
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Off-page Optimization
  • Internal link Optimization
  • Competition Analysis: 2
  • Mobile Usability Check
  • Content Marketing
  • Link Building
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Monthly Reporting
Sign up



Meta Tags (Title & Description), Header Tags, Alt Tags, Upto 30 pages

  • Initial Review & Analysis
  • 25 Keywords
  • 60 hrs/Month
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Off-page Optimization
  • Internal link Optimization
  • Competition Analysis: 5
  • Mobile Usability Check
  • Content Marketing
  • Link Building
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Monthly Reporting
Sign up



Meta Tags (Title & Description), Header Tags, Alt Tags, Upto 50 pages

  • Initial Review & Analysis
  • 50 Keywords
  • 100 hrs/Month
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Off-page Optimization
  • Internal link Optimization
  • Competition Analysis: 10
  • Mobile Usability Check
  • Content Marketing
  • Link Building
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Monthly Reporting
Sign up



Meta Tags (Title & Description), Header Tags, Alt Tags, Upto 100 pages

  • Initial Review & Analysis
  • 100 Keywords
  • 200 hrs/Month
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Off-page Optimization
  • Internal link Optimization
  • Competition Analysis: 20
  • Mobile Usability Check
  • Content Marketing
  • Link Building
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Weekly Reporting
Sign up

Enhance your online presence

We recognize the significance of SEO (search engine optimization) in the highly competitive digital world. With an ever-growing amount of websites competing for the attention of users, it’s imperative to implement efficient SEO strategies to increase the visibility of your website and rank higher than your competition. Our SEO-focused packages can help companies similar to yours to get greater search engine ranking as well as drive organic traffic and ultimately improve conversion rates. We’ll explore the nuances of our top-quality SEO services, and shed light on how they can assist you to beat your competitors and establish a strong online presence.

Why We Are The Perfect Fit For Your Needs

1. An extensive analysis of your website

To begin your SEO experience, our highly experienced team of experts performs a rigorous website audit and analysis. Through a thorough examination of various aspects like web structure, on-page components such as user experience, site structure, along with technical factors, we can identify areas that need improvement that could greatly affect your search engine ranking. Our thorough audit can help us develop a custom SEO strategy that meets the specific needs and goals of your company.

2. Keyword Research and Optimization

Keyword research is the heart of all successful SEO campaigns. Our team uses state-of-the-art technology and techniques to determine relevant keywords with high value that match your niche of business and users. By optimizing your web page’s content, meta tags as well as headings, and URLs using these keywords We increase its relevancy and appeal in search results, thereby increasing your chances of appearing better in the search result.

3. Unique and engaging content creation

Engaging and informative written content has always been the most important aspect of SEO. Our skilled team of copywriters is adept at creating appealing rich, keyword-rich content that draws your viewers while also educating the search engines that you are an expert. We carefully study your field, identifying the issues of your intended audience, and then create content that offers beneficial solutions and builds confidence. In everything from blog articles to landing page pages, we make sure that every piece of content we create is optimized to draw users and crawlers.

4. Link Building Strategies

Quality backlinks can be compared to endorsements from reliable sources, which boost your website’s authority and credibility. We implement efficient strategies for building links to gain authoritative and relevant backlinks that will help you stand out from your competition. By establishing relationships with powerful websites and exploiting guest posting opportunities, we will ensure that your site gets the required visibility and prominence within your field.

5. On-Page Optimization and Technical Optimization

Optimizing on-page elements as well as technological aspects on your site is essential for higher ranking in search engines. Our SEO experts examine and optimize key elements like title tags, meta descriptions headers images, and URL structure. We ensure that your site is secure, fast, and mobile-friendly. We also make sure your website is accessible improving the user experience overall and the crawlability of your website.

5.0 on UpWork. ilbey Ucar
Founder of PsyNOMAD Company

I was very pleased to work with Digital X Press. In addition to the limited budget, the recession in the world economy, unfortunately, caused me to temporarily stop this project. However, Mike is always responsible, organized, and disciplined. I’ll hire him on a regular salary to work with me when I’ve recuperated economically and have a budget. I had the advantage of getting professional service for the first time in my life and there was a lot of technical deficiencies on my site. I thought a lot of things were right and inaccurate on my own. Thank you very much to Digital X Press Team for this consultancy process. He really did very hard work.

The Benefits Of Partnering With Digital X Press SEO Agency

Customized SEO Strategies

We understand that each company is unique and a standard approach to SEO will not produce optimal outcomes. Our team creates customized SEO strategies that are tailored to your unique objectives, needs, and the changing dynamics of your industry. When we understand your intended market and competitors we develop a strategy that is aligned with your business goals and ensures maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Proven track record

Take your website to new heights with our comprehensive monthly SEO services. With many years of expertise in the SEO business, we have had remarkable success with a variety of clients from a variety of industries. Our performance is proof of our ability to provide tangible results that help companies achieve sustainable growth with increased search engine rankings. With our experience and expertise, you can get an edge in the world of digital.

Transparent reporting and analytics

We recognize the importance of transparency in creating trust and forging an effective partnership. We provide thorough analysis and reporting that provides detailed insights into the performance and effectiveness of our SEO campaigns. Our insightful reports provide important metrics like organic traffic, search engine ranking, conversion rate, and much more, which allow you to assess the effectiveness of our campaigns. We believe that by remaining updated on the results of your SEO initiatives, you will be able to take informed decisions and take part in the development of your website’s presence.

Affirmed Support and Collaboration

Gain valuable insights with our in-depth SEO analysis. Get a comprehensive review of your website’s performance. We at Digital X Press SEO Agency are committed to the importance of open communication and collaboration. Our team of SEO experts works closely with you, offering continuous assistance and support all through the process. We believe in building strong relationships with our customers by understanding their individual desires and needs. Through collaboration, we make sure that our strategies align with your business goals creating the mutual benefit of a relationship that leads to the success of your business.

Beating the Curve

The world of digital is continuously evolving, and keeping in the forefront of technology is vital to continue to achieve success. Our group of SEO experts keeps an of industry trends as well as algorithm updates and the latest technologies. Through constant adaptation of our strategies and methods, we make sure that your site is well-designed and adaptable to constantly changing search engine trends. We keep our fingers in the pulse of the SEO market We provide you with an edge to compete that allows you to keep two steps ahead of the competition.


    Get Free SEO Audit – Clear And Actionable Recommendations

    Get a detailed Comprehensive list of errors, warnings, and notices that are preventing your site from ranking first on Google. This report includes 100+ parameters, technical issues, calculate SEO score, Site Health Score, off-site or on-page SEO issues, and other common search engine ranking factors.

    Result Oriented Local SEO Packages

    Are you looking to optimize your local search optimization? Here at Digital X Press SEO Agency is a self-motivative and creative team of SEO experts who help to rank high in Google’s search results and Google Maps. We are experts in optimizing your website according to mobile devices.

    It’s important to appear your website in local citations and directory listings. We do that easily to receive trustworthy customer reviews and boost your online presence. We provide affordable and result-driven SEO packages for small or for mid-size businesses.

    Rank Locally In The Google 3-Pack with:
    • Local SEO plan
    • GMB citations
    • GMB Pointers
    • GMB Zip citations
    • GMB Posts promotion
    • GMB Embeds promotion
    • G Business Reviews
    • Local onsite SEO optimization
    • GMB listing SEO pptimization
    More info


    Helpfull SEO F.A.Q.

    If you can not find any answers here, please feel free to contact us anytime via the chat box or using our contact form.

    What are the key components of an SEO package?

    An SEO package typically includes a range of services such as:

    • Keyword research and optimization
    • On-page optimization (meta tags, content optimization, URL structure)
    • Off-page optimization (link building, social media signals)
    • Technical SEO (website structure, site speed, mobile optimization)
    • Content creation and optimization
    • Competitor analysis
    • Performance tracking and reporting

    The time it takes to see results from SEO packages can vary depending on several factors, including the competitiveness of the industry, the current state of your website’s SEO, and the scope of the optimization efforts. In general, it can take several months to start seeing significant improvements in search engine rankings and organic traffic. SEO is a long-term strategy that requires consistency and patience.

    SEO is an ever-evolving field, and search engine algorithms are highly complex and dynamic. Therefore, it’s not possible to provide guarantees of specific rankings or instant results with SEO packages. Reputable SEO providers will focus on delivering sustainable and long-term results through proven strategies and ethical practices.

    Choosing the right SEO package for your business requires careful consideration of your goals, budget, and the expertise of the SEO provider. Here are some tips to help you choose:

    • Clearly define your business goals and expectations from SEO.
    • Research and compare the offerings and pricing of multiple SEO providers.
    • Consider the reputation and experience of the SEO provider, as well as their track record of delivering results.
    • Request case studies or references to assess the effectiveness of their SEO strategies.
    • Ensure the SEO package aligns with your specific industry and target audience.

    While it’s possible to learn and implement basic SEO strategies yourself, effective SEO requires in-depth knowledge, continuous monitoring, and technical expertise. SEO packages provide a comprehensive approach, leveraging the experience and skills of professionals to deliver optimal results. If you have limited knowledge or time, opting for an SEO package can be a wise decision.

    Monthly SEO services typically include ongoing optimization, monitoring, and reporting. You can expect services such as:

    • Regular website audits and analysis
    • Continuous keyword research and optimization
    • Content creation and optimization
    • Link building and off-page optimization
    • Technical SEO updates and improvements
    • Performance tracking and reporting

    The specific deliverables may vary depending on the SEO provider and the agreed-upon scope of services.

    The worthiness of SEO packages depends on the specific circumstances and goals of the business. SEO is a long-term investment that requires patience, consistency, and ongoing efforts. While the upfront cost of SEO packages may seem significant, the long-term benefits they offer can outweigh the initial investment.

    Paying for monthly SEO depends on your business goals, competitive landscape, and the stage of your website’s SEO journey. While it’s not mandatory to pay for monthly SEO services, it can provide significant benefits in terms of maintaining and improving your website’s search engine rankings.

    The cost of an SEO package can vary depending on several factors, such as the size and complexity of the website, the competitiveness of the industry, the desired level of optimization, and the reputation and expertise of the SEO provider. Generally, SEO packages are offered in different tiers, ranging from basic packages to more advanced and comprehensive ones.

    SEO packages are comprehensive service offerings provided by SEO agencies or professionals to help businesses improve their online visibility and organic search rankings. These packages typically include a range of SEO strategies, techniques, and optimizations tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of the client.

    An effective SEO package should encompass a range of services to cover all aspects of optimization. Such as, keyword Research and analysis, On-page Optimization, Off-page Optimization and Link Building, Content Creation and Optimization, Technical SEO Audit and Fixes, and Reporting and Analysis.

    It’s natural to wonder about the flexibility and adaptability of an SEO package. You might be concerned that once you commit to a specific package, you will have the freedom to make changes in the future. However, most SEO agencies do not offer such  flexibility and room for customization as we are doing.

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