What Are Disposable Numbers and Why Would You Use Them on Your iPhone?

The definition of a disposable number actually lies within the name itself; as the disposable number is also one that a person can simply dispose off. It’s a temporary short term number which is used only on a temporary basis. There have also been times when each individual has felt the necessity for such a number only so that when they do need to use it in a certain scenario, they can just discard it without divulging identity to any third party. In most of the cases, a disposable number comes with its own benefits and in other cases it doesn’t. But when one uses it in all possible scenarios, it definitely becomes more of a boon than a bane.

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A common scenario which would necessitate the use of a disposable number would be the ones where you are using VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol. This technology enables you to make voice calls from your mobile handset. Now, when we speak of VoIP, we are not talking in terms of regular phone calls where the call is actually placed through your computer. Instead, the VoIP technology enables you to place the call through your mobile handset – typically a touch screen device – directly to the person whose number you are trying to identify.

A VoIP provider usually offers two options when it comes to this scenario. One is the option of a disposable number which is known as a virtual number. Virtual numbers are exactly like the ones we often encounter in our daily lives. They are our personal phone numbers which can be associated with different extensions and can be pre-booked by VoIP service providers to be used for making VoIP calls. A very simple and easy way of using a disposable number is the one where you simply book the number prior to calling.

While it is true that these types of numbers are indeed disposable, there is more to these numbers than just being disposable. There are various advantages associated with them and it is better for us to look at them before getting too excited. For instance, virtual numbers are generally used by business enterprises and busy working people who want to place an extension on their business phones so that they can be reached whenever they need to. There are also instances where an individual makes lots of calls to a virtual number and uses it for domestic purposes such as answering the phone and calling the support desk. In this scenario, it is obvious for us to state that temporary numbers are also considered as disposable numbers.

However, what makes these two different is the fact that one is utilized only during emergency and the other is utilized for domestic purposes? If we look at the features of a typical disposable number, they have two distinct limitations. First, it is evident from the name itself that these numbers cannot be reused unlike the traditional ones. In the same vein, the call duration and the talk time cannot be changed. So, if the user needs to make unlimited calls, he or she has to subscribe to the services of a separate company that offers this feature. Second, in contrast to the traditional ones, a person will not be charged any cancellation fee for using this particular number.

Although both types of disposable numbers are good enough for regular and basic functions, iPhone users seem to favor the latter because it can also be used for voicemail storage. It can be said that iPhone users prefer this type because it is more convenient to use and it allows them to make unlimited calls from anywhere they are regardless of the call duration. Nowadays, there are several companies that provide services related to voicemail storage and they can be accessed through various methods including applications, ios users can access this feature from their respective iPhone’s Touch Screen or from Settings.

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