
Just a reminder...

Saves Izzy without hesitation

Quickly comforts Sadie

Checks to see if Bridgette is okay and does not force her to do the challenge

kindly persuades Harold to go for it

kindly encourages Duncan to face his fear

admits that she messed up

calls for the Tyler roasts to come to an end

was happy to see the good in Duncan

Calls out Duncan and Geoff for bullying Harold and doesn’t know that Harold is going to screw her over 😑

checks on Duncan and brings him food

acts empathic towards Geoff and doesn’t chew him out for losing

still wants Duncan to win even though he was the partial cause of her departure

calls Gwen “smart”

gives kudos to Leshawna

still looks out for Duncan

still looks out for Leshawna

worries about the safety of those that surpassed her


thinks they are about to die and immediately hugs Duncan

“Chris! Owen and Izzy need help!”

is sorry about sitting on Gwen’s hurt hand

makes the effort to heal Gwen’s hurt hand when Gwen could have easily gone to an infirmary

Many of these moments contradict the idea that Courtney is totally evil.


my 10 yr old closeted self emerged out of nowhere to beat me awake to draw this in 2021



if you love Robert Pattinson and Jamie Dornan but hate Kristen Stewart and Dakota Johnson, you’re not “criticizing their acting” you’re a misogynist. Have a great day


“You’re on my list, famous guys i can cheat with, you’re number 2.”

“Who’s number 1?″

Robert Pattinson, but he’s not gay.”


Q: Who do you think is the best Batman?

KS: Robert Pattinson. I have all the faith. I cannot wait to see that. I've known [Rob and Zoe Kravitz] for a long time, obviously. I can't wait to hear Rob be like, 'I'm batman!'"

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