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Islamization of Denmark (Video)

Islamization of Denmark

The Islamization of Denmark… In a show of power, Muslims seized control of City Hall Square in Copenhagen! Islamic "prayers" echoed throughout the city… Muslims constantly hijacking public property for so-called "prayer" is not about prayer; it's a display of...



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Gold (1)

Gold to $3,000? Why Not $5,000?

Gold prices have been soaring to new heights, reaching a historic $2,328.7 per ounce last week. Renowned economist David Rosenberg, President of Rosenberg Research, believes that the momentum could carry the precious metal to $3,000 before the next business cycle...

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Bypass Big Tech Censors


Lifestyle Prepper

Rise of the “Lifestyle Prepper”

They've been called "casual survivalists" and "prepper-lite." Now, a phrase has started popping up around the preparedness industry highlighting the rise of the "Lifestyle Prepper," particularly in American cities. Unlike "Doomsday Preppers," those who can be classified as lifestyle preppers...

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