Download: 6 New Loading Screens


Are you tired of the thirteen year old blue background image during the loading screen? Even if not, it‘s so old that it is way too small for todays screen resolutions and so I created completely new loading screens that were taken during the Sims 2 renaissance (2016-2017, colorized).


- sharp widescreen images for all common resolutions (even > 1920x1080)
- new logo in TS3 style (is also being used in the neighborhood selection)
- Ultimate Collection and base game versions

This conflicts with all logo replacements!


In this image you can see all 6 loading screens (3 with the UC logo, 3 with the base game logo). Both versions have all 6 loading screens.


Installation - normal way

Put one loading screen into the UI folder of the base game (…/TSData/Res/UI). The small logo belongs there as well. Make sure there isn’t another package file for a logo replacement (or a small logo replacement).

Installation with LoadingRandomizer

Why not have them all? Put every loading screen you like into the custom_loading_screens folder of the applications folder. The small logo package still belongs in the UI folder.

Special Thanks

A special thanks to @sims-influence for sending me screenshots for a loading screen. You can see the result in loading screen #6.


Loading Screens Ultimate Collection

Loading Screens Base Game

To clarify: It doesn’t matter which version you choose, it’s completely independend from your actual expansion pack.

(sorry for the quite big file size, the images are huge. But it won’t affect the loading time!)

As always - if there’s any issue with the content, please let me know!

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    OMG!! How did I miss this?!
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