Start Here

Have a problem?

Problem? Inefficiency? Time consuming? Problematic? Could this be easier? etc.

Have a Solution?

Like fixing things? Helping solve? Resolve problems? Make it more efficient? Automate?…


Determine a problem. Design a plan. Implement a solution. This is our game plan here at IW2. As it says: First we dream, then we design, lastly we build.


Check out some of our latest projects

Code Compilation

Powershell Scripts
Ansible Playbooks
Terraform Modules


What do we love doing? Great question! Thanks for asking! We love seeing a problems. We thrive on problems. Diving into that problem to come up with a more efficient way or finding a solution. Whether finding a “efficiency” or “solution” that does not matter. But making that persons life just a little bit easier makes all the difference. Some people like saying kind words, helping out around the home, mowing the lawn, volunteering around the city, etc. For us we want to help technologically.

Success Testimonials

“Every year our company has been growing and  a big part of our growth has been due to the ease of use of the Helping Hand Agent. We see more efficiency and better feedback due to our devices being automated with the premium scripts and combined automation. We have more time to focus on our customers. We will continue to use the Helping Hand.”

– Adrian (Owner)

Adrian Sports Inc.

“Helping Hand has helped us automate many core functions of our business. It have also provided ease of use with a user friendly dialogue window. The application has proven very effective.”

–  Kevin (Operations Manager)

Chase Harper USA

“I can always count on Helping Hand to be in my corner. Always finding ways to make things easier for me and more user friendly. If I can’t figure it out I know they make something to work for me. Great application!”

– Karen (Owner)

KB Payroll

Success Center